[i]"Such raw power!"[/i] Adrianne thought as she got instinctively back onto her feet, the voices of the situation, their shuffling of her own equipment against the ground, and the ensuing bolter fire all muffled by a choir of voices that now assaulted the back of her mind. [color=ed1c24][i]"Kill them. Kill them all!"[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24][i]"Charr their flesh from their bones! Feed their souls to the warp!"[/i][/color] She could feel a surge of energy flow throughout her entire being, an extreme sensation of being alive! Her eyes were wide open, her limbs were as light as feathers, and it felt as if she was walking in a dream! The warp was open to her, and she felt its empowering presence throughout her entire body! [color=007236]"Psyker, vortex right between them and the Rhino, it'll pull them towards it as well as the Rhino towards them. Everyone cover her with anti tank weapons, if ava... "[/color] [color=ed1c24][i]"Kill the lowly guardsman. [b]Devour his pathetic heart![/b]"[/i][/color] She heard Ansgar's voice from off to the side, albeit muffled and distorted by the multitude of voices currently filling the air around her; most of them sounding more like unintelligible mumbling and indecipherable rambling in a forgotten tongue. It was in this moment that her attention fell on the advancing ranks of Chaos Space Marines. [i][color=ed1c24]"They are your dear brothers. Show your compassion and skin their hides!"[/color][/i] Normally, she should have been afraid. Very afraid. To witness the fallen promise of mankind in all their debased and spoiled vainglory. Yet the sight of them didn't phase her, barely recognized by her as she felt the overwhelming sensation of the warp that seemingly threatened to block all of her senses. It was as if her mind was in a different place, her conscience adrift as she experienced every moment as if watched through a screen. "[b]I see their souls![/b]" [i][color=ed1c24]" ... and they shall belong to you... "[/color][/i] Adrianne replied over the radio, as she suddenly threw an arm forward and clenched her fist, tossing it aside! Less than a hundred feet outside of the warehouse, one of the stacked cargo containers lying in the field would suddenly begin to lurch, before being tossed off its pile with a loud metallic screech to land flat in front of the chaos space marines with a heavy metal crash, blocking the Chaos Marine's line of sight to the lower sections of the warehouse! With the obstruction blocking their immediate sight, Adrianne held out her staff and slammed the butt of it into the ground - resulting in the air all around them suddenly going completely silent, filled with static electricity. Every muscle fiber in Adrianne's body was threatening to burst with excitement, the raw, uncontained power radiating from the warp rift flowing through her body like a conduit! The eye sockets of her mask were glowing with radiant purple light, like two gems in the darkest of night! "[b]I will send them back to the warp - in pieces![/b]" Adrianne shouted, her voice distorted and echoing as she begun her ritual! Out in the loading area in front of the warehouse, in the middle of the containers, trashed Rhino and advancing Chaos Marines, the wind suddenly changed direction as a blue whirl began to form in less than four feet of the ground; starting off as little more than a tiny whirlwind but rapidly picking up its pace as it started to pick up first small pieces of trash and random posters, but soon began to push over heavy fuel barrels and even made some of the containers groan!