i registered to this site to try this 1 thread out! so.. Name: Seb Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Handsomely Devious [url]https://gyazo.com/45b96aee320aa17025c9d28b8d7cfd6b[/url] Personality: Proudful, smart, cunning, dominator, stud, competitive hates to lose in anything, especially fighting and loves to toy with woman. ''Darkness would just love him'' , a smarter more handsome and logical version of Kazuma Biography: Seb lived his life as a simple salary man that was trying to up the ranks on his corporate ladder, until an incident accured that was caused by his own actions, a lower ranked worker pushed him in front of a train, reason behind this cause he fired him the day before, the train hit caused him to die instantly. Then he opens his eyes, suddenly he finds himself in a dark room meeting the goddess Aries, things didn't go off track like with Kazuma and Aqua, after Aries explained the situation to him and that he will get revived in a MMORPG like world, Seb decided to use his charms to charm Aries to get her to tell him what by her opinion was the most op weapon ''The Wishing Rings of Odysseus'', Aries got charmed and as Seb planned, he got the strongest weapon with him. The Wishing Rings of Odysseus, these rings are the most op god item that were given to seb, it's a series of gold rings, 10 in total, you can use those rings to wish for any 1 thing. and they will do it, once those 10 wishes are said, the item is useless. but 10 wishes to get anything is still insanely OP.And with that, he will try his best, to be the new King of this new world!..first thing he tried was to wish ''I wish for the Demon King to perish!'', but the wishing rings had a pop up saying ''can't wish someone to die with this'', disappointed, but not that much, he said ''i wish to have the best weapon and armor in the history of the world!'' the rings said ''1 thing at a time only'', Seb got frustrated and said at in turn.. ''i wish for the best weapon in history'', ''i wish for the best armor in history'' ''i wish for me to turn level 100 right away!'', '' i wish to have a list of the most powerful techniques i can use and be able to use them'' , just like that , he used 5 of his wishing rings, but he still has 5 remaining. what will he use them for? time will tell. Inventory:The Weapon: The Wishing Rings of Odysseus, these rings are the most op god item that were given to seb, it's a series of gold rings, 10 in total, you can use those rings to wish for any 1 thing. and they will do it, once those 10 wishes are said, the item is useless. but 10 wishes to get anything is still insanely OP. Skills: Seb is a smooth talker, smart, lucky, funny, only bad thing about him is his superiority complex. As for skills, he has the The Wishing Rings of Odysseus and basically his the strongest being other than the Demon King in the world, he can basically be a god to all the rest adventurers, but he still tries to have fun with it and not go to the Demon King to kill him immidietly , instead he's using his powers to help out fellow adventurers, have adventures with them, build a friend cyrcle, he wouldn't want something as what happened to his previous life to happen again. So he tries to make friends, being the all powerful of the group, he's basically the Kiritos OPness+Sebastians charisma+ Kazumas comedy. Other: This is all new to me. did i do okay? please tell.