The spreading of the light did not stop, instead merely picking up more and more speed as it spread outward from the statue's head. It's bony wings were now spread fully onto it's sides, the light rushing into the front part of them, although it seemed to not be fully visible all of the time. Then came the eyes: For once since the initial awakening something took the time to happen slowly. It was like someone was blowing life to embers, the eyes lit up with no rush to themselves as if allowing time for the rest of the statue to prepare. Suddenly a loud cracking sound erupted from it's wings and several pieces of stone from them flew backwards, only to stop mid-air. They were attached to the wing with at first barely visible threads of blue light, which then seemed to catch similarly coloured blue fire... the fire spread to define the shape of the wings and accentuate the veins on the surface of the statue. It was now clear why it had been so ugly: It was never meant to be viewed in it's dormant state. The statue crouched down and procured a pair of arms formed of stone-flame combination like the rest of it's body, and grabbed a pair of iron shackles from beneath it's feet. Rising on it's unsteadily beating wings, it breathed a puff of the fire towards the small statuettes in the middle of the room. As those began to similarly open up, becoming gargoyle-like unlike their... parent, said creature spoke for the first time. Although most of what it was saying could not be understood, it only lasted a little while and ended in an intelligible message: "The jailor awakens. May Necro'Lic rule eternal! Ekil Erif, Ekam Erif, Erif Erif!" It did not seem to have noticed any of the party yet.