Rocks and dust shot out from the cliff face below as the edge the Mrs.Cassidy and [color=ed1c24]Dilloh[/color] crumbled and sank. The ground trembled, sinking and pulling the two downward. Mrs.Cassidy let out a scream as her hand slipped. The branch holding up her bag had finally given, snapping under the weight and causing her arm to drop. The bag slipped off her arm, cascading into the darkness, while her other hand held tightly onto the pants leg. With one final exertion of strength, the desperate woman threw her free arm up, gripping both hands onto the link between her and the children. Gravity played with [color=lime]Lucia [/color]and [color=993399]Mimi's[/color] balance as the ground rattled below them. They could feel the weight of the teach and Dilloh pulling on them and almost felt their grip begin to slip until, at the the last moment, with one massive primal heave, the determined boy pulled Mrs.Cassidy up over the crumbling ledge. The two girls helped pull the pair the rest of the way, and they all fell in a pile onto stable ground. The hissing, clacking sounds of falling rocks and dirt echoed into silence as the dust settled over the children. Mrs.Cassidy coughed, accidentally sucking in some of the dust in rapid breaths as she rolled off of the students that saved her life and onto the ground beside them. She covered her mouth with a trembling hand trying to stifle the coughing. She eventually caught her breath, grasping her chest as her heart thundered in her chest. She was speechless at first. Her brain scrambled to figure out what was going on. Finally she brought herself to look at her saviors, her gaze holding back fearful tears. [color=f6989d]"Th-thank you. Thank you s-so much!"[/color] She grasped Dilloh, hugging him tightly as a tear escaped the corner of her eye. [color=f6989d]"Thank you kids! I...I would have..."[/color] Slowly, she calmed down, releasing the boy and rubbing her face before sitting up and looking around, though she dared not look over the cliff. After a few moments, her memory returned to her, and she put the situation together. [color=f6989d]"Oh god...oh god the bus. Those kids..."[/color] Suddenly her efforts to hold back tears failed as she realized she'd just seen the bus of god knows how many children fall to certain death. Across the cavern, consciousness slowly returned to Mr.Connors. Dim light that pierced through the rocky formations above was the first thing he saw. It took him a few moments before her realized he could feel pain all throughout his body. [color=7bcdc8]"...I guess...That wasn't a bad dream..."[/color] He started to sit up, when he noticed the young girl Mary laying motionless next to him. [color=7bcdc8]"Hey. Hey are you alright?"[/color] he asked, reaching out and gently prodding the unconscious girl. However something caught the corner of his eye. He noticed motioned from the edge of the underground pond nearby. His first thoughts were of a child potentially drowning. This spurred him into motion, causing him to clumsily pull himself to his feet and stagger over. He grasped his side with one hand, trying to suppress the aches that nagged at his body. Finally the limping teacher made his way to the edge of the water. He looked down, trying to see if he could spot someone under the water. Suddenly the sound of crying rang out as a few of the random children began to wake up. Of them, was Naomi, who cried out as she grasped her leg. Pain from the wound caused her to wake up suddenly. She couldn't form words. Only frantic yelps and moans as she rolled onto her side, curling from the agony. Other children simultaneously began to stand, roaming around, or call out for help. Most of the children were old enough to be hurt or lost and not break down. A few tripped over each other as they scrambled to adapt to the darkness, or attempted to escape it. [center][img][/img][/center] [color=993399]♥[/color] [sub]You rescued a leader, but may still have to be one. [/sub] [color=f7941d]♥[/color] [sub]Watching eyes anticipated your fall. But from where?[/sub] [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] [sub]You saved one but may have lost another.[/sub] [color=lime]♥[/color] [sub]Save your tears. You might still need them.[/sub] [color=00aeef]♥[/color] [sub]Still stuck.[/sub] [color=fff200]♥[/color] [sub]You came to help![/sub] [color=0054a6]♥[/color][sub]Watching eyes hoped for you fall. But from where?[/sub] [center][img][/img] [sub][@XxLyraxX][@Laach][@Vesuvius00][@Ryougu][@Natsu][@The1Rolling1Boy][@Inner Demon][/sub][/center]