[@Damiann47] [hr] Gareth grit his teeth as the roundhouse he blocked with his arms packed surprising power, staggering him slightly off balance, just enough that he was unable to step out of the way of the upward kick to his chest. However, hitting his chest was like hitting a immobile wall and Silvia's leg was grasped before she could withdraw it. Forcefully, he pulled the leg towards himself and green agglomerated around his fist as it shot towards Silvia's ribs; however, he slowed his fist before making contact due to the lack of malice he had for her, slowing the fist to something more feasible for his size but still heavy in weight. Whether or not the fist connected, Gareth instantly moved to pin Silvia to the ground, attempting to throw her to the ground by raising the leg he held above his head and driving forward so that Silvia landed directly on her back.