[@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen][@Snagglepuss89][@tsukune][@Shadow007][@Eidolen][@MayLien][@Heap241] [@banjoanjo][@CrazyShadowy][@JaceBeleren][@aviendha] [b]Important.[/b] I'll try to keep this simple. Discussion's currently taking place in the Discord channel regarding the possibility that this role-play might be getting transferred off the site. I've got plenty of reasons for this, and some of you know parts of the situation, but overall the last few days have escalated some problems that have been going on pretty much since I joined this site, and I'm frankly over it all. There's a rather high chance - though it isn't certain - that I'll be permanently leaving this site, after I collect all my data from it. With this said though, I [i]don't[/i] plan to abandon this role-play. With all of this in mind, I want to know how many people actually plan to stick with us if we do transfer. I haven't actually confirmed if it'll happen yet, but pretty much everyone who knows the details seems to understand why I'm doing this; however, I still want to do what I feel's right by this whole group, since we have something good going here. Anyway, should the transfer occur, steps will also be taken to make the role-play more immersive and thorough than this site basically allows it to be. If the transfer doesn't happen, then everyone's just gonna hafta wait until I can tolerate this place again. Either way, it's fairly likely I'm leaving this site apart from this role-play (if it remains here). As it stands, Ailyn, Phantom, Heap, Shadow, Pudd, and Tsu have all told me they're fine with it. Ed and Lotus only joined this site due to me (same with Ailyn), so they're likely good for it as well. I've just not spoken to them about it yet. Mostly mentioning these people here just so they feel no need to post their stance about it again. I'll keep regular checks on the thread to see if people respond, but otherwise I'm only here to collect data for now.