Saeril wanted to scoot herself away from him, but she was too late to perform said-action once he instead put his arms around her, as if he was tryin to comfort. But with a hint of sadness in his voice, she now understood that he thinks himself to be responsible for her change. It wasn't. The she-elf, however, felt the embrace to be of a comforting action. Sniffling lightly, she completed this said-embrace with one of her hands resting on the back of his head, and the other on his back. "It wasn't of your doing, young Durin", she confessed and softly reassured. Should she tell him? No; later. "I'll be okay", she whispered while beginning to rock him. "For your sake, we shall check on Thorin together, if you wish it", the she-elf asked him, after a long moment of their comfort of one another, and for her tears to dry. She was letting Kili have full reigns for the rest of the evening, and stick with him, even that means for him to confront Thorin.