Duncan actually carried a sleeping Aliyah into Caesars grinning from ear to ear and explained as quietly as he could manage about her farewell party and the karaoke. When asked, he claimed she sang like an angel. +++++++++++++++ For time fillers together, Duncan started with things he knew Aliyah enjoyed doing. One of the first was learning how to shoot a pistol. Duncan was a little better than he thought. But it was something he had no clue what he was doing. He asked occasional technical questions noone could answer, but shrugged if noone and said it was fine. While Aliyah shot he’d jot down some sort of physics equation and have an ‘educated answer.’ But even that he limited to something like “don’t poke your finger in the business end to stopper it up.” By the end of the lesson he was shooting pretty accurately. He asked about a pop up target course, something he thought Aliyah might have fun with, and made an appointment. He seemed to have lost sight on seeing the world. He was having fun just spending time with Aliyah. He took her on a picnic - with catering services that fed the homeless - while he worked with it like a soup kitchen - getting extra server help from the same catholic mission he had made the benefactor of his date leftover funds. He started an employment agency for the homeless that did more than just find them jobs. It prepared them. He created an employment agency specifically tailored for veterans returning from overseas. He had all sorts of fun trying to pull off a cosplay event for kids in need of prosthetics. He arrived in a suit of armor that had been 3D printed. It had working parts. He asked Aliyah to go as Pepper. He even managed to get legal permission to do the cosplay - and got the real actors to show up. The real shock for him was to meet Stan Lee and the rest of the the Avengers. Duncan had heard of a program that Robert Downey Jr had been involved with that allowed kids to be fitted with a cool prosthetic for a mere $450 that was 3D printed. Duncan dropped a couple million for the printers and programs. Duncan also sponsored a Shriner’s Circus event. And it was very clear that the most important part of the event was the fact that all these were tax writeoffs, it was watching the looks on the faces of the kids. Of course he also had fun on the go cart track, playing mini golf, taking Aliyah on a romantic gondola ride. He took flying lessons …. Yes flying lessons … in a Cessna. He also went on a scenic biplane ride. They took motorcycle lessons. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UonI8-vVtvZpIDz6vf0SHi9eVB5dUPmLKE3gF6k8Ggc And then it was time to drive to Albuquerque to meet the new butlers - Marcia Adams and Masumi Fujita. And Aliyah had a chance to see Duncan ‘hovel.’ Of course, she knew it wasn’t going to be a hovel. He kept smirking mischievously every time he used the word. Duncan had a feeling that Aliyah wouldn’t really like the house. Sure, she might find it impressive. But it wouldn’t have the familiar home feel that her old place had. That sort of thing took time to build. But he still had to torture with the suggestion that he was interested in her input on turning the place into a home. The place lacked much in the way of furniture. Duncan put Marcia in charge of selecting some things for the home including her own needs and gave her an expense account for that purpose. (For an idea of the type of home, look at a map of Albuquerque at the road furthest north - hwy 565 I think - and the large southwestern ranch styled homes. There is a subdivision called Eagle Rock. Go West and there is a lone house. Duncan’s home is shown yet. It is a bit west of there and is a home twice that size built on a lot the size of a subdivision and gated for privacy. Not exactly the most sociable sort of home.) He showed Marcia where he might have a POD of Aliyah’s things dropped. He introduced Masumi to Gary. After that he had three days of running about taking care of business. He was almost angry when his business took more than 6-8 hours of the day. He wanted time to spend with Aliyah. But he had had to have face to face meetings at some point with a lot of signatures to make. But this was home for Duncan. And he knew of a few things to see and do in the area. Sandia Peak was either a 2 hour drive or a tram ride up. And really it was far from the most scenic place he knew of. Old Towne was a tourist trap. Probably his favorite place to go was the Jemez Mountains. They weren’t very much mountains. The Appalachians were more than this place. But it had great camping and fishing - as well as a hot spring. Nearby Soda Dam had been closed due to tourists abusing the place. A month on Las Vegas had gone by fast. A week and a half in Albuquerque had flown by. And now they were getting ready for real travel. He brought up the possibility of using an RV. However he found that most RV’s lacked the space to bed four people comfortably. But he tossed the idea out for Aliyah to give her thoughts.