[center][color=aqua][h2]Tora Azure[/h2] - Zephyr Strip || Shopping - [/color][/center] [hr] Tora sighed in relief as Juana managed to finish it off with her Togepi with a lucky roll of the dice with Metronome. [color=aqua]"Indeed. I always get a little nervous with that move. Never know if you get Explosion."[/color] she said with a soft chuckle. As Cillian had his Bulbasaur pick up the Porygon-Z, the tall woman returned her Pokemon besides Archie. Whom she knelt to pet the beige fluff on top of the pup's head. Glancing to Cillian as he questioned, she nodded as she stood up again. [color=aqua]"Yes, it's probably within our best interest to return. Hopefully they can find a way to not have this Porygon-Z cause so much problems and damage. It took all of us to just knock it out."[/color] Tora answered as she started off back to town. [hr] [hider=Notes] +1 post +1HHG = 49 +1CP = 36 Pokemon Team: [list][*]Archie the ♀Growlithe: Level 14/Healthy [*]Sirius the Staryu: Level 5/Healthy [*]Pezi the ♂Skiddo: Level 5/Healthy [*]Cairn the ♀Onix: Level 2/Healthy [*]Ria the ♀Riolu: Level 2/Healthy [*]Orion the ♂Shinx: Level 2/Healthy[/list] [hider=Pokemon Reserves] [list][*]Rachni the ♂Venipede: Level 2/Healthy[/list][/hider] Inventory: 3x Pokeball 1x Potion 3x Rare Candies -Continued interaction with [@ToadRopes]'s character Juana. -Continued interaction with [@Dusksong]'s character Cillian.[/hider]