Second one it is then! :D I also do like that idea, definitely a good thing to do, give us a chance to catch up with the ongoing plot and get it poor wiki kinda got ignored when my internet died ;A; I swear I am gonna make it pretty now that I have it back XD And bam, post! I wasn't sure whether they would be fighting hand-to-hand or with training blades since you mentioned the room was a smaller one, so I went for the first option as a kind of homage to their "first fight" haha XD feel free to change it up slightly of course as always :P (I also actually went back and skimmed some of our first posts to try and deliberately draw some similarities and maaaan, they were so SHORT!! O_O *nearly faints* What HAPPENED?! XD) It was getting a bit long so I elluded towards the teaching aspect at the end and thought we could expand upon it in the next few posts or however many we want it to last for C: