Shikamaru Nara could not describe the day as anything less than perfection. Between the sun’s rays hitting him with the ideal amount of warmth and the breeze that graced him every now and then, today was one of the best days for him, where he could lounge about in peace and solitude. There weren’t any missions on schedule for Team Asuma; Asuma was on a mission only Jonin could attend, while Choji was out with his father training hard in preparation for the next Chuunin exam, and that left Ino to continue learning under Lady Hokage herself to improve her own abilities. Then there was him, already a Chuunin, doing nothing more than laying on his back and cloud gazing, not a care in the world. At least, he wished that were the case. The second Ino Yamanaka’s name crossed his mind, his eyes had closed so he could concentrate on her image entirely. He couldn’t name when it was or where it was, but lately just seeing her or hearing her voice had evoked something encouraging in him. When she was around he had worked harder than he typically would. He had occasionally visited her at her family’s flower shop, using whatever excuse he had. Each time he had left wanting to spend a little more time together, but inevitably her duties and desires had strayed from his own. It made sense; she didn’t have the time for a guy like him. He was boring, not as hard a worker as he could be, and he wasn’t that handsome. He was no Sasuke Uchiha, either… Shikamaru sat up and opened his eyes, lazily looking about the deserted training field that he and his team often used to practice. Were this a few months ago, this thought process wouldn’t exist, he would be asleep and at peace right now, under the very oak he was sitting under, without a care in the world. But instead insecurity rang its ugly head. He wanted more out of his life far sooner than he cared to openly admit. Ever since the failure to retrieve Sasuke from the enemy, his thoughts and feelings had begun to change about the world around him. Positively, of course. There was too much good around him to not savor it more. He saw a lot just lying down and looking up, thinking to himself about unimportant things. Maybe he could share that with Ino. [color=fff79a][b]“She’d never go for this,”[/b][/color] Shikamaru spoke aloud for the first time, no longer able to contain his thoughts. [color=fff79a][b]“Girls like her… I’d have to be exciting. It just wouldn’t be like her to buy into this so soon.”[/b][/color] As praised as his intellect was, Shikamaru knew that there were things he couldn’t figure out all on his own. He needed someone—an expert on Ino, or at least about women—that he could meet with to sort out his thoughts, feelings, and doubts. Right about now, Ino would have been preparing to meet with Tsunade. But she wasn’t meeting Tsunade alone. There was Sakura Haruno, Ino’s best friend, someone who shared a rivalry with her, but also likely shared similar interests. His eyes lit up. It could work: enlist Sakura for help, understand Ino more, and be lucky enough to be a guy that could match Sasuke in desirability, or at least get on her radar. It was a lot of effort to race back to the village from the training field, but for this it would be worth it. Shikamaru reached Sakura’s residence, recalling it from visit with Ino and Choji back during their academy days. A few knocks on the door brought her mother promptly at the door. He addressed himself respectfully and asked to see Sakura, only to be told that she had left just minutes ago to meet with Tsunade. Thanking her for her time, he headed down the most direct street towards the hospital, and just after a minute of hustling he had caught her staring at a store window that displayed outfits. Now, he paused. She would be in a hurry to get to the hospital, so there wasn’t any chance he could just sit down and build up to the dilemma he had. There was also little to no chance that he could convince her to take the day off, not to mention that would just be selfish. The weight of what he had to ask her seemed limitless. But he considered his only option left, as he had no other choice now: be forward about what it is he needed of her, and just hope that she wouldn’t laugh at his face and remind him of who he was: Anything but boyfriend material. She was beginning to turn and head off again, and there was no more time to dwell. He had to act now. [color=fff79a][b]“Sakura, wait up!”[/b][/color] Shikamaru called from behind her, hustling over and coming to a stop beside her. While he did his best to seem calm, he couldn’t help but look at her with unease. [color=fff79a][b]“Would you mind if I walked you from here? There’s actually something I need to ask you.”[/b][/color] She had agreed, and this made him breathe a little easier. They had begun to walk together to her destination, leaving him to make whatever point he had to. [color=fff79a][i]‘I should’ve rehearsed before I even knocked on her door, but it’s too late to have regrets. Here it goes…’[/i][/color] [color=fff79a][b]“There’s been something, or rather… someone… a girl, I should say, on my mind lately,”[/b][/color] he began slowly, pocketing his hands. [color=fff79a][b]“I’m… well, look at me. I know I’m not the number one pick for a boyfriend in our age group, but… I just… I want to try and make myself more presentable… for Ino.”[/b][/color] So far, so good. His dark eyes came to rest on Sakura’s green ones. [color=fff79a][b]“It’s abrupt and out of nowhere, and believe me when I say it’s troublesome, but I was hoping you could help… put me out there, or just give me some advice. I’m no Sasuke, I know that, but I think if I gave it my all, I could do for Ino what he isn’t here to.”[/b][/color] Admitting all this out loud had brought a crimson color to his cheeks. He turned away bashfully, freeing his left hand to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. Looking at Sakura and saying all these corny things was too much. [color=fff79a][b]“Maybe just ask her what she thinks of me, and I could try and work around that on my own? It’s a lot to ask of you, and I won’t blame you if you said no, but I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate.”[/b][/color]