REAPPLICATION TIME!!!! [hider=Kyra Reapplication] Name: Kyra Valentina Image: [url][/url] Age: 16 Gender: Female Orientation: Pansexual, but leans mostly towards females Mage or Familiar: Familiar Ability: Partner: Personality: Kyra is a rather shy girl, but is passionate. She is quiet and may seem introverted, but is really quite the opposite. Once you get to know her, you can see just how happy she is sharing love with others. She-- in her words-- ‘loves to love things’, which therefore multiplies her love ‘by a factor of seven’. A lot of love packed in a petite 16-year-old, I know, but you gotta love what you do. :3 She sees herself as a little bit too rushed in everything she does-- which does happen pretty often… she can also be overbearing, naive, gullible… she’s a little [i]too[/i] trusting, and fairly easy to manipulate. She’s also [i]very[/i] afraid of puppets. Biography: Kyra was born into a very average family. Her mother and father both had stable, average income jobs, and her older sister- Lina Valentina- had graduated years ago. As a young child, her mother and father pressed her into trying different things, when all she wanted to do was help other people. As a young child, at first it seemed like she wouldn’t go much of anywhere in life, but her desire to help people became apparent with age.. While her mind grew, her body fell behind, and she is still rather small for her age. Being small has its perks, but when everybody has teased you for it? It’s a little surprising she still has this much passion and hope when she’s been pushed around all through school. Other students calling her a baby, boys and girls alike rejecting her for ‘not being cool enough’- average enough, I know, but when they also steal from you, openly lie to make you get in trouble, and lock you in bathrooms, it’s not as average. She still fuels her days with love, though, for she feels that if nobody gives love to those who need it, then how are we still here? In order to actually join the academy, she had to scrape up the money by applying for a few scholarships, and striving to do her best and love what she’s doing. Her parents helped her out, saving money ever since her sister Lina had graduated, and giving it to her to help her get there. She feels that the more she learns, the better she can help people, and feels that helping people is her purpose. Likes: Sweet foods, puzzle games, helping other people, cats Dislikes: Unnecessary rudeness, loud country or hip-hop music, puppets Points: 0 Proficiency: 4 Intelligence: 3 Athletics: 3 Misc.: She has pupaphobia (fear of puppets). Quiz Answers: [hider= Answersss]1. What is your character's greatest regret? That she didn’t give love to the people who hurt her. 2. Your character is home alone after watching a horror movie and they hear a strange sound. What do they do? Probably freak out and hide on the light fixture with a pencil. 3. Two of your characters’ friends are fighting over something trivial, and they want them to stop. How do they go about this? Ask them as nicely as possible, and if that doesn’t work, literally get between them and talk them through the situation, to try and make a compromise. 4. While your character is on their way to class, they realize they forgot something crucial. They’re already on the verge of running late. What do they do? She heads to class, but asks her teacher at the earliest opportune time to go retrieve it. 5. If your character had the opportunity to turn into any animal, what would that animal be? Probably a cat. She admires their grace and agility, as well as their laid-back attitude. 6. If your character’s house were on fire, and they only had time to save one thing from their room, what would it be? Something trivial- probably a bracelet, gotten from some volunteer event. 7. What season does your character like best and why? Autumn. The heady smells and the general contentedness make her energized and happy. 8. Vacation! You character gets to spend a week anywhere! Where is it and what do they do? Probably to some third-world country, where she’d volunteer with the Red Cross or something, trying to help people live better. [/hider] Password:tac0s [/hider]