[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Zephyr Strip - Sawsbuck’s Coffee[/u]-[/center] [hr] Juana nodded to the others. She picked up Togepi and patted it on the head, before calling all her Pokémon besides Steenee into their balls (they all needed to rest). Upon returning to the mall security office with the amuck Porygon-Z in tow, the three Trainers were rewarded with showers of verbal gratitude, 23 Trainer Points, and a Heal Ball each. The Porygon-Z was quickly restrained for study and repair. Juana, while there, picked up a brochure detailing the other things that Zephyr Strip had to offer. “Hey, check it out,” Juana remarked, pointing to an image of an old-looking colossus covered in moss. “The captions says it’s a statue of an ancient Pokémon.” She looked up at Cillian and Tora. “You wanna check it out?” [hr] [hider=Notes]-TP: HHG +1, post +1, mission complete + 23; total: 65 [hider=Inventory] -Poké Ball x5 -Great Ball x1 -Heal Ball x1 -Potion x2[/hider] [hider=Pokémon] -Steenee Lv. 12 -Corphish Lv. 7 -Skorupi Lv. 3 -Dewpider Lv. 4 -Togepi Lv. 4 -Honedge Lv. 1 (winded) -Rotom-Heat Lv. 11 (Sp. Atk -2) [/hider] -Interaction with [@Dusksong]'s Cillian and [@Silver Fox]'s Tora[/hider] [hr] CP +1; total=17