[@floodtalon] It's cool to see that you've migrated over here! I like the character and think there's a great deal of promise for it, but there are some issues that you'll need to address. [quote]he is 110 punds even.[/quote] [quote]locked him in an abandoned she'd for 3 days.[/quote] [quote]Than bigger things like games.[/quote] These are just some examples of grammar and spelling errors that I'd like you to proof read for. It never got so bad that it was annoying to read, but it was jarring. Another thing to address is the classification of his power, which I admit comes with some gray area (pun not intended). I definitely agree that it is mover (teleport through shadows) and changer (shifting body to a different form), but it isn't a stranger ability. It definitely has stranger applications, but I couldn't call it stranger in and of itself. What I would definitely call it, however, is breaker as his body changes to a form that completely alters how physics affects him. Another thing to address is that the trigger event just doesn't match the power. If it was a pure stranger ability, then yeah it'd be great, but it isn't. Remember that a trigger event has to incorporate [i]all[/i] aspects of the power classification. There's nothing indicating a desire to flee from danger, to run away. There's nothing involving an issue with self-image. These things are integral for a mover and a changer. To make things easier on you, I won't force you to reclassify the stranger portion to breaker as I would like to do, because making a breaker trigger is difficult and weird (usually involving drugs/hallucinations/other confusing crap that convolutes the whole situation), but the trigger does have to be changed enough to involve and incorporate 1) a need to flee/run away from danger, and 2) a problem with his body/self-image. And lastly, if you want to incorporate creating shadow objects, then he will need to also have the blaster categorization. That would make him incredibly complicated and convoluted for a trigger event, so I highly recommend against keeping that aspect of the power in order to save your own sanity. :P Besides, someone that can peel off of the wall and garrote you in a closed office is pretty terrifying as is. Oh, and one last tidbit from me. [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/224460/header.jpg?t=1473413412[/img]