[center] [h2]Ginty, the soul of [color=0054a6]Integrity[/color][/h2] [@Inner Demon][@XxLyraxX] [/center] Ginty calmly stands back has the other boy tries his idea while he pulls out his vine ropes from his bag. [color=0054a6]"Umm Hey... Why don't we tie this around the seat and try pulling it off of her? Or maybe tying this around her and pulling her out?"[/color] He suggested and holds up the vines for the boy to see them, [color=0054a6]"This way the girl would not need to use her strength since she'll need it to stand so we could have an easier time bringing her somewhere so either of us or if there is anyone else down here can tend to any wounds."[/color] He then set down his bag and sets down the rope so one end is on the ground and the other end is in his hand. He then pulls on it to test the strength and make sure it wouldn't break causing them the get hurt. Ginty looks down at the girl and tilts his head has if asking for her opinion has well since she is the one who they are trying to free and she is the one who is going to end up being in pain once they get that bus seat off of her. [color=0054a6]"Ummm... By the way... what is all of your guy's names? Mine is Ginty,"[/color] He says looking at them both curiously trying to think if he has seen them around before. After a bit of thinking while waiting for there responce he comes to the conclusion that he hasn't met or seen them before and just shrugs it off.