[@Sorrelmyst] We'll begin reviewing your CS shortly! [quote=@SunsetRoses] [@Invader Len] What classes would Richard attend, because Anelise is definitely into monster hunting. Also, if you ever want to collab on a post between our characters just tell me and I'll get a doc up. :) [/quote] Richard would probably be much less enthusiastic about monster hunting, but he's not gonna say no to it. It will be a great opportunity for me to write out his cowardice! : D Other than that, he'd probably be interested in music a lot. As he does sing and play the ukulele. And I might take you up on that after I get the IC up! Also, relating to collab posts, if someone does a collab with one or more people, let us know and we'll distribute the points for it based on participation! [quote=@SunsetRoses] [@Raijinslayer] A rivalry?! I'm game, and Anelise is as well. He'll learn not to call her Annie. [/quote] A friendly rivalry? Oh boy, my favorite! [quote=@Sorrelmyst] [@Raijinslayer] [sub][sup]Go Team Mystic, boo Valor and Instinct[/sup][/sub] [/quote] HERETIC. INSTINCT IS SUPERIOR. XD