[quote=Sherlock Holmes] It has long been argued that ginger has natural antiemetic properties, but it's never been truly proven. Soda in those quantities isn't great for you (or the fetus) because of all the sugar, but it's better than being continually nauseous. If the nausea continues, I'd go to the doctor and explore other options -- you don't want to keep drinking soda in those amounts. Other natural stomach soothers include peppermint hard candies/gum, various herbal teas, and there are always bland foods like crackers or plain rice which will help settle an upset stomach. [/quote] Yeah, sugar in those quantities isn't the best thing for her, Holmes....but it's not like she's gonna kill herself or her child by drinking it either. It's one of those things that aren't exactly healthy, but it's probably not going to cause permanent harm either. Healthy? Probably not. DANGEROUS? Certainly not.