[@Alisdragon911] "We've had our sights on this mansion since long before the breach. We keep track of...ya know, weird shit like cat people and assholes that don't die." Sam confessed "By the way, Paradiso, the city Maniacles is based in, ain't too far away. I said a matter of time, I was talking maybe 24 hours, if they hear nothing back from us." John didn't take too long to process what he had just been told. He really just got told that he came from another dimension. Despite what John had seen thus far, and remembered from before, he was skeptical to say the least. What was more important, however, was what Sam was saying about reinforcements. He looked at Kaoru. She had yet to display any real combat abilities. John himself could tell when someone was being honest. "What do you mean by stronger mercs?" John asked "Mages. Wizards. Fuckin...magicians. Weirdos." Sam responded