The battle began to sputter to a stop around Ohio, that didn't stop her fellow agents from packing in as much uncoordinated and clumsy 'team work' as possible. Ohio's smile was hidden behind her opaque visor, she had missed working as part of a team. It had been quite some time since she had last worked with people she wasn't secretly ordered to kill or betray. It was likely she would betray them anyways as soon as she had an ulterior motive but for now they were all relatively on the same side. The simulation ended with a summons for Washington, from what she would gather he did not have an A.I. and it was likely he was getting one. She silently wished him luck as she watched him go. "Hey Gamma," She said summoning the A.I. as she began to exit the field, "They said something about abilities, they're not talking about what you A.I.s do., are they?" [color=E0FFFF]"No, they have activated the special abilities unique to each set of Freelancer armor. You were informed of this, you have active camouflage technology built into your suit. Furthermore, my abilities are active at all times, should you choose to use them."[/color] The small figure on her shoulder informed her. "Well I won't be." She snapped, her tone defensive and tight. "It's nothing personal but for right now I think its better that I don't. Invisibility, right, I used something like this a few years ago on a mission, I hope they've improved the tech. It didn't work well back then, the mission came real close to going south. Command really thought I was a gonner." [color=E0FFFF]"Obviously you survived and succeeded, your record indicates that you've never failed a mission. I have a feeling that even the extended record I was allowed to download, there is still much I am missing."[/color] Even through that robotic voice it was clear he was fishing for information. Ohio sighed, "I've worked for a lot of different people Gamma, that's the thing about not settling in with a team or in a division, you get shifted and you get used a lot. Not only is compiling all that information from different sources a logistical nightmare, some of it can never go on any record. My assignments have also been a hodgepodge of all sorts of things, it wouldn't be much of a coherent record anyway." Ohio had wandered her way into some sort of observatory room that over looked the various training rooms, a control panel glowed softly on the other side of the room. It seemed as if the agents had some ability to control the simulations but as the director and the counselor were not here it was likely they had their own master control center. "My instincts are telling me to start looking into the other agents but this isn't one of my missions and we're using code names for a reason. I'd be willing to bet there's a lot more to most of these people than meets the eye. You don't end up in a program like this unless you really want to be or you really had no choice." Gamma hesitated for a moment before resuming his robotic monotone, [color=E0FFFF]"Agent Ohio if you truly wish to find information I maybe of some assistance. I haven't been completely honest in my abilities, I have some ability to posses technology. I could find information in the computer systems on board if you upload my program. I trust you won't say anything to the director?"[/color] "You don't trust me," She scoffed, "You just already know I'm not going to say anything." She paused for a moment, standing at a window over looking a shooting range where one of the other agents was already practicing. "So you could like posses a tank and use it by yourself?" [color=E0FFFF]"Yes, that is one application."[/color] "Or take over a computer system and pretend to not be an A.I." [color=E0FFFF]"That would also be possible."[/color] "Good to know, we'll keep that to ourselves. I don't think now is the time to start sniffing out the others skeletons, not till mine are well buried." She said quietly, her tone more cold and stiff, "We are a better match than I even anticipated, until we betray each other that is." Gamma acted as taken aback as a glitchy hologram could, [color=E0FFFF]"Ohio believe me when I say-"[/color] "Cut the crap, it's who we both are, we're on the same side now but as soon as we want different things we won't be. Neither of us are sacrificers, we just take things and take things until we get caught or get what we want." [color=E0FFFF]"For a liar agent Ohio, you tell the truth more often than one would think."[/color] He waited a moment for a response but Ohio said nothing and after another moment of silence he asked, [color=E0FFFF]"If I may ask Agent Ohio, which group of freelancers are you in, those with no choice or those who made the choice?"[/color] Agent Ohio sighed as if searching for an answer, "When someone in my line of work receives a message saying they don't have any missions for the foreseeable future along with a suggestion to join a program like this you do what they want. Its a question of loyalty. I don't suppose you have any knowledge of the book Catch 22, do you?" She didn't wait for a response, "Basically the out come I want is to live but the only way I can do that is by joining a program that will likely kill me, the point is I can't win." Gamma's processors seemed to be chewing on that so he didn't respond, Ohio continued watching Agent Maine, "Good shot that one, doubt he's got any people skills, he's actively not socializing." [color=E0FFFF]"Agent Ohio I can't help but see the hypocrisy in that assumption."[/color] Gamma commented plainly. Ohio rolled her eyes inside her helmet and remained silent because the stupid little robot thing was right.