[center][h2]Lilac de Blanc[/h2][/center] Once again, Lilac stepped down the train, carrying her suitcase with her. And once again, like the year before, she found it quite heavy, so she had to drag it around with her two hands. Oh how she hated this, especially when she looked around and saw other people carrying their suitcases with no problem at all. At times like these, she wished she was bigger and stronger, like the other students of her year. Really, most of them ended up being taller than her. It made her feel like a little girl. She was fifteen, for God's sake! After dragging her suitcase some more, she finally found her salvation. A dolly. She could put her suitcase on there and then just push it to the school. "Hngggggg!" She summoned her entire strength to lift her luggage onto the dolly. After putting it down, with her almost missing towards her feet, she wiped the sweat that had gathered on her face. And she could feel other sweats gathering all over her body, thanks to her exertion. Oh how she hated sweat. She hated the icky, sticky feeling that made her dress stick to her body. Another good reason why she hated physical exercise in general, other than she found it a chore and that her weak body couldn't exactly do them well. After panting for around 5 minutes, she pushed the dolly as she headed towards the academy. This year, she would finally obtain her familiar. This was the main reason why she was so excited to go back to the academy, even with her having to pull around her luggage like a menial servant. She finally would receive her familiar. That meant she could finally study magic properly, as she needed the familiar's mana to feed her spells. She only hoped it would be someone tolerable, at the very least. She couldn't imagine spending a year with someone she detested. Sure, she could ask for the sacramentum bond to be broken, but that would require a more legitimate reason other than just a simple "I can't stand them".