[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi4zMDQ2MDEuU205dVlYTWdUR0Z1WjJWeS4wAA,,/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [hr] [@redbaron1234], [@Mr Allen J], [@wxps350] [hr] Thankfully, the man had no trouble in regards to signing up - in fact, he didn't even have to bother registering at the moment and had gone off on his own whilst Otsana said she was going to go sign up. Gripping his bag, Jonas kept his head low to the ground as his eyes roamed the vicinity around each and every combatant. Nudging his head back, he found some fighters chuckling when he passed them, some jabbing thumbs in his direction. Letting out a sigh, he paused briefly in the midst of registration, getting a feel for the ki around him. He let out a small hum as he tapped his foot and raised his head, flicking his head between each person he analyzed. As much as he could look superficially and on a certainly deep level in regards to ki, there was only so much information he could garner. [color=598527]"If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles,"[/color] Jonas uttered to himself as he tried to digress the lit dynamites, seeing who might explode first. "Hey Doc, the med bay is that way," Jonas discerned a sarcastic shout with guffaws largely behind him, taking a minor glance at the robed fools who brandished their belts - most of them were in black with a few middling brown belts who began making up some false way of fighting that looked incredibly ludicrous while pointing directly at him. Jonas refused to answer to such imbecile as he continued studying the area, watching some peculiar form of a secret handshake between a male and female... which ended in them slamming into each others chests and possibly screaming yeah at the top of their lungs. Ok, yeah, personality to a degree was helpful, but... ugh. Moving on, Jonas continued forward, taking a glance to the side to se- holy shit! Jumping back, Jonas managed to avoid a head-on collision with a man who inadvertently flew backwards. He was tempted to give the man a nasty look before just... blinking and standing there for a few seconds, processing what he just watched. Yes, yes! This was the stuff he was looking for! Jonas held back a smile, keeping that same bored look on his face as he tilted his head back, scratching the underside of his chin. Looking back at the lady who went through with the blows, there was no way to mistake her as a Nomad - a pretty powerful one at that. Recalling what he saw - fists that he was certain were rocks for a bit, a pivot which lead into an uppercut, and some power that caused her hands to become red hot as fiery coals. [color=598527]"Powerful blows... hmm..."[/color] As he stood there, lost in thoughts, he watched as the waves of fighters began to obscure his view of that brawny black lady, he began to look around, continuing to process and infer how she fought, pros and cons, flaws and strengths... He walked around in circles for a couple of seconds, coming into view of a camera for a few seconds before heading off in the direction he originally started in. From a black guy with dual swords by a lady in a leotard with huge assets, to a chick in a sports bra and shorts speaking to some random kid in... heavy clothing? Wasn't he frying under those things? Meh, to each and their own; Nomads always did have their own unique look about them. Like that one spiky weirdo in a suit speaking to a blonde hottie in a dre- wait a sec. There was something wrong here - why did he feel no ki from the man? Pausing for a sec, he took a glance around the metal meister, seeing no influx of ki within him. What the hell? Was he dead? Did someone become a necromancer and technology to become a mechromancer? Regardless, his interest was piqued as he began to walk forward... before halting completely. There was something tossing and tumbling in his head as he stood still as a statue. Should he split? Should he interact? Would they know him? Would they, should he, where might they, what... Blinking, he took a look at a nearby clock which displayed the time before going on with this gamble. [color=598527]"Only just a couple'a seconds... lets go interact with a dead person cosplaying as a mecha-alien and the black bathed blonde, bewitching beyond... buh-buh-b-, eh, forget the alliteration."[/color] Slowly striding forward, he managed to catch one of the questions uttered from the ecstatic lady as he invaded the space before them. [color=598527]"Ah, I hope you two don't mind me barging in, but I couldn't help but overhear a few things about that suit and I'm a little curious myself."[/color] Giving them both an affable smile and wave, he was considering to bow but... nah; might rub em' the wrong way or something. [color=598527]"A ki-blocking suit, eh,"[/color] he uttered under his breath, [color=598527]"Once you answer the attractive gal's question, mind explaining to me how the suit blocks ki? Or rather why someone in a possibly multi-million suit is showing up at this tournament?"[/color] He couldn't help but stare at the... tail... that looks dangerous. ... Jonas couldn't help but also stare at the vixens face - just where did he see that stunning lass before? [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmYwMDAwMC5WR2hsSUU5dVpRLCwuMg,,/yananeska-personal-use.regular.png[/img] [hr][hr] Oh? She was trying to establish herself as a plausible fucking threat to him? The dapper man could only stare at her, tempted to laugh in her fuckin' stupid face. Finishing his fucking analysis of the big burly bitch, The One could only come up with one thing after witnessing her methods - unsurprising. Grabbing his top hat and giving it a twirl, he couldn't help but stand up as he sneered at Miss Fucking Fister. [color=ed1c24]"Guess that's one fucking similarity between my dialect and your damn fighting style,"[/color] The One brandished his canines as he aimed the top of his shitfucking hat at the lady as he shook his head. If he could beat this godshit bimbo, either in that arena or here, that would fucking show that Japanese bitch... ... that she was a fucking cuck who made a mistake calling him defective. [color=ed1c24]"I love how you assume I want to fornicate after making a simple, fucking observation from your large gazongas, Miss Fister... plus, you're assuming I'm like the other fuckcabinet you bitchslapped into some poor fucks car,"[/color] he was practically laughing at her, staring with fucking sparks in his mismatched eyes. [color=ed1c24]"Heh, if you're thinking you can handle me like that fuckcabinet, then I guess you're stupid enough to be an easy fucking pick from the tournament,"[/color] The One scoffed, twirling his hat once again as he aimed the insides at her. His stupid shit eating smile was practically begging her to try and fucking hit him... HA! Like she fucking could. After all, this badass motherfucker was The One.[/center]