Post up and coming shortly (in the next...hour or so, maybe? :O) Had the morning from hell in terms of getting stuff done so it's taking a little longer, sorry XD But in the meantime, some thoughts I had re: the Xiis arc and I thought of two possible ways for it to go maybe: 1) We do let it run it's course on Dromund Kaas, they somehow figure out a way to take down Illesia, the day is saved, or anything else you had in mind there haha 2) Illesia has set up some sort of decoy/trap on DK, and while in the process of defeating the minions she left there causing havoc, they discover some kind of critical weakness or whatever that will help them with taking Illesia down, then they track her back to that ice moon in Wild Space where the Xiis originally came from (maybe Illesia baits/lures them there as she can draw more power from her surroundings there or something? *shrug*), and we end it there instead? They're VERY basic thoughts/ideas of course XD so I'd love to hear any thoughts/additions you have for it, as always! :D