[@Lady Selune] Hi! I wanted to make a Private Company colony and it appears I best explain my idea to see if you're okay with it. So the basic premise of the colony would be that it's a private company that's been raised up with the promise of finding either a habitable world or, if the world traveled to is deemed ill-suited for full-scale colonization, to strip-mine it of valuable resources to send back. Due to the market, costs of building full-scale colonies and other factors, the corporate top would mostly prefer to find ill-suited planets. Which brings us to my colony faction (Atlantis Inc - Expedition Alpha). Expeditions from Atlantis generally consist of a load of scientists with a few bodyguards to protect them from hostile alien life. Along with quite a bit of food and other equipment to set up a self-sustainable base. Generally, once the base is established enough data had been gathered to let the boys back at earth decide whether or not the planet is deemed hospitable enough. However, corporate sort of rigged the game. Only the scientists didn't know that (the engineers and guards did and do). So once in space, the scientists got a new mission briefing. Which basically said: make sure your tests are done in such a way that the planet is deemed inhospitable so we can start digging deep. The plan does expand beyond the scientists (guards, when landed, are tasked to start destroying alien nests and such). My idea would be that my first colony ship has the following resources: [indent][b]Military:[/b] Low in number, averagely equipped. [b]Scientists:[/b] High in number. [b]Engineers:[/b] Average in number. (Total population: average) (Small question here, are robots a thing already when we land or must they be build up first?) [b]Edible supplies:[/b] Average surplus. None-renewable (Farms are generally part of phase 2) [b]Processed resources:[/b] Average surplus. Enough to built the first city and plenty for the scientists' their labs. [b]Raw resources:[/b] Very little. Engineers are expected to get factories and harvesters up and running as soon as they arrive. [b]Aid:[/b] Generally a combination of processed resources & edible supplies in phase 1. Once phase 2 commences most scientists will return (and silenced by corporate) and a steady flow of engineers should be added to the aid package.[/indent] Tell me what you think!