[center] [h1][b]Silumin Reserve[/b][/h1] [/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki] [@floodtalon] [@Lord Szall] [@Broyeabro] [@alexfangtalon][/center] [@floodtalon] Just as finished smirking away his assumed victory, the pancham leader soon found himself unable to leave. Feeling a cold shiver go up his spine, he slowly turned back around, only to find the trainer he kicked cracking his knuckles as he exuded a menacing Aura. The sight caused the pancham leader's jaw to drop, which in-turn caused the leaf in his mouth to drop. Noticing that the other panchams stopped and was looking his way, He quickly began collecting himself and putting the leaf back in his mouth, acting like normal. From the look of the other panchams, it was starting to look like they were considering whether to aid him or just use him as bait while they flee. Just as they began slinking off, pretending that they saw nothing, the leader pancham glared at them, causing them to stop and shudder. Quickly changing their tune, they set down the food they were halfway shoving into their mouths as they ran and began picking up more stones. Just as the stones were in the process of leaving their hands, they were hit by Rock Blast and Water Gun simultaneously, causing the stones to peg the Pancham Leader in the back of the head. Veins popping, the Pancham Leader exploded in rage. Not turning around, he used 'Work Up' and made his way towards the Gastly to attack while the other Panchams scrambled to their feet to attack in hope to lessen the punishment they'll likely receive from the leader later... [hr] [@alexfangtalon] While the Rock Blast didn't hurt Pancham in the slightest, it did cause the stone in hand to go of course and hit leader. And hitting leader meant this Pancham is going to get it later, thus the pest who made such a thing happen, must pay! Charging, the Pancham unleashed a flurry of Arm Thrusts on the Roggenrola. [hr] [@Broyeabro] This Pancham clearly didn't appreciate getting hit with a Water Gun. Though, truth be told, he was more disappointed with the fact he was interrupted while eating than the whole thing with the leader. Well, the leader getting mad isn't pretty but he was quite hungry. Thus, it was his duty to punish this maggot for the sake of the fo--leader. Moving forward, he struck the totodile with a Karate Chop. [hr] [@Lord Szall] Once Cubone was released from it's pokeball, the pancham pointed at it's skull and began laughing. Something to the tune of 'Did your mommy give you that?' After it was done laughing, the pancham decided to ignore the Cubone and began pelting it's trainer with stones. [hr] [@Sho Minazuki] The remaining Pancham in the gang had it's eyes on York who was just standing around lost in his own world seemingly. The fact that the human was just ignoring them (not to mention the fact they couldn't hit him before earlier) annoyed the pancham. Seeing York's lack of interest as a wide open target, the pancham snuck in closer and resumed throwing stones at him.