Lis' sleep that night was fitful, uneasy. Despite the comfort of an actual bed and fluffy pillows, the young half-dwarf couldn't seem to find rest, no matter how much she chased it. The shadows in her room bent into unnatural shapes before her eyes, and even upon squeezing her lids tightly shut, the images remained in her mind. She knew exactly what was wrong - all of this talk about Vampires, Dark Mages, other various monsters that she'd assumed to have left behind in Bania, the despicable place where they belonged... it had left her shaken, moreso than she would care to admit, especially to the others in the group. The problem with Darkslayers - not that she had ever used the term in regards to herself, as Lis was no expert and disliked pretending to be - was that they knew what these creatures could do. Simply knowing, witnessing the horrors of battling a creature so dark... it left one's very soul feeling dirty. At the very least, she was going into this situation knowing what to do should the worst occur, but it was not something she, nor anyone would wish for. The blase reaction of the gnomes hadn't helped her either, alongside the sheer lack of numbers the mercenary group had. Skill could certainly make up for lack of size, but she had no idea what these people were capable of. Lis was placing her life and trust into what appeared to be nought more than a rag-tag bunch of warriors that got lucky in winning the competition. Or, perhaps she was doing them a disservice. Either way, Lis was unsettled, and no amount of tossing and turning would solve that. The next morning, Lis awoke feeling particularly un-refreshed. What sleep she had managed had been pitted with nightmares of her time in Bania, forcing her awake with panting breaths and hammering heart, before being followed with an angry grunt as she flung herself back onto her pillow, scowling at being woken up [i]again[/i]. Now out of bed, she decided against having a bath, thinking the hot water and soothing scents would just lull her back into a doze again. Making do with a very brusque and rough wash of her body with a scratchy washcloth and very cold water, she dressed herself and made her way downstairs. Despite the dark, puffy circles under her eyes, the cold water had done it's job in waking her up more, and felt much more aware as she met with the others. Before making her way to the door, Lis' shrewd brown eyes quickly picked up the fresh notice on the bounty board.. and the seemingly interested Nuva. Taking a glance at the notice from behind the towering giant, she kept in mind the details for later. Could prove useful - and it would seem with membership in the guild, she was free to take as many jobs as she wanted, solo or not. [i]"And better for me to take it than this tall bastard; one can't have too much money."[/i] Lis thought to herself, backing away from the board and continuing on. "Kayden. Allard." She nodded to the two men as she reached the door, eyes squinting at the sudden bright light of the sun, nose scrunching up as she did. "Do we have a plan for today, or -" She cut herself off, noticing the Drabarian stood in the middle of the street, looking at the guild-hall uncertainly. A potential new recruit? Lis wasn't complaining - the more people they had, the less likelihood of her dying. Unless they were extremely stupid, which is what she was considering for the Lizardman, still stood silently. "What's the matter with him? A guard kick him too hard in the head?" Leaning against the door beside Allard, Lis stifled a yawn, folding her arms across her chest as she continued to stare down the Drabarian, one eyebrow raised. [@Jollan][@BCTheEntity][@Fetzen][@POOHEAD189]