(OOC: If you are following out story, my partner and I got our wires crossed because of a mistake I make in the OOC. It is not Mary -- Olivia's mother -- who is in the monastery; it is Paul's mother, Eddithia -- Olivia's maternal grandmother -- who is in the monastery. If the error has already been corrected in the above post by the time you read this OOC, then just ignore it. I just didn't want to confuse any possible readers, as I did my partner who I hope will excuse my error.) Paul could tell in Olivia's tone that she truly believed his mother -- her mother's mother -- had been sent to the monastery for her health and welfare. He, however, doubted that very much: a couple of years back, rumors had reached him in the East that a dozen or more Advisors loyal to Eddithia had suddenly died, vanished, or been jailed for treason; and about the same time Paul's mother had been taken away from Westrock to live in the monastery...? Really? Very unlikely, Paul had thought at the time and had continued to think to this day. When they'd headed home from the East, Paul had dispatched a trio of his men to visit the two Monasteries that might have been her current [i]home[/i], only to never hear from the presumed-murdered men again. "Well, I am sure she is getting the best medical treatment available," he said, keeping concealed his true belief. If Lars Barker was to learn that Paul was searching for his mother, Eddithia was surely suddenly fall victim to her [i]illness[/i] and pass quietly in the night ... if she hadn't already. "I have faith in the Monks and Sisters ... and I have faith in your father's honor for and loyalty to Lady Eddithia." There was a sudden ruckus in the far corner of the bar, with the loud argument between two patrons threatening to become a physical altercation. One of Paul's men -- who'd been sleeping in a chair near the second fire place and was now awake -- rose from his seat, crossed to the table, pulled out his dagger, and drove it downward with great strength, a full two inches deep into the wood plank table. The startled man tried to pull away from the man he thought to be a mad attacker, only to find the sleeve of his jacket now pinned to the table. Paul's man -- one of the biggest, tallest, ugliest, and meanest knights you would ever want to [i]not[/i] be on your enemy's side in a fight -- leaned over the pair and growled, "I ... was ... [i]SLEEPING![/i]" The wanna-be brawlers looked to Paul as if they were about to wet their pants. He smiled wide, then looked to Olivia. "You really should not be out in town unescorted at this time of the knight, m'lady." He stood and offered out a hand -- signaling that he [i]really[/i] hoped she would accept his order without a fight -- saying, "If you would permit, it would be my honor and duty to ensure you returned to the Castle safely."