[@Damiann47] She wasn't disrespectful, though, she was just fighting the way she normally fights. Kaito needed to face 4 gigantic beasts she had summoned, and that had taken all of her energy. So she sat down to rest, and to observe through the shadows. She could do nothing else in the fight- attempting anything would have not only been really stupid, and against all of her abilities, but it would have been completely out of character and illogical, and would have ended the fight early. In battle, she summons the shadows, she uses them, and if she overextends herself, she pauses, to rest, so that she doesn't faint and make all of her hard work disappear. He knows this. She doesn't personally fight in like 90% of her battles- most of the time, it's just the shadows fighting for her. So this makes absolutely no sense. Did no one read the character sheets?