[h1][center][b][color=black]Rex[/color][/b][/center][/h1][center][h1]&[/h1][/center][h1][center][b][color=003366]Night Raid[/color][/b][/center][/h1] Rex followed closely behind Sheele. He could see that Tatsumi was quite upset. Judging by his words, he'd discovered what the family had been doing. And judging by the tears... he'd known someone in there. Rex knew the feeling all too well. Tatsumi was being dragged by a blond bombshell with cat ears and a cat tail (just the sight caused a dribble of a nosebleed), and said bombshell was with a girl he recognized from Wanted posters around town. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled. These people were all dangerous, even though they were on the side of good. He examined each and every one of these... "Night Raiders" carefully. One was tall and muscular, totally encased in armor. Rex could tell from a glance that he carried himself like a warrior. However, the others looked like normal people: a skinny young man with goggles, and some kind of clawed glove with thread; a short, petite young woman in twin tails (and an obsession with the color pink, apparently...); and Sheele. His gloves gave him the same sensation as when he ran into one of the more menacing Danger Beasts. These people... despite their appearances, each and every one of them was a predator of some of the highest caliber. And their prey were creatures more vile than the worst Danger Beast. "Seems Leone and Sheele ran into someone they think is suited for our line of work," Akame observed. Her tone was soft; if she hadn't been carrying a lethal weapon, she could pass for a normal young lady. Sheele nodded. "These two were inside," she said. "Their names are..." The bespectacled girl frowned. "Their names are..." She turned to Rex again. "What's your name again?" Rex's expression said one very simple phrase: [i]Lolwhut?[/i]