[center][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/11419216_1023147267725236_1899188757_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTAwNzI3MjU0MDYyOTE1NDcyMQ%3D%3D.2[/img][h1][color=fff79a]Marth Carter[/color][/h1][/center] Annoyance and disruption was all that was heard while Marth was on the train, from people talking about what they did during the break, to slight roughhousing, and even a man reciting a speech about himself. The snow white haired boy just wanted to finish his contract and get this day over with. The train came to a stop at the station and out emerged a large boy, Marth sat there taking in the atmosphere . A cool breeze blew, his grey hoodie's strings flapping in the wind, his pants pockets filling with air, his silky hair full of life. This was a good feeling, something game changing was going to conspire soon, as other students rushed off the train they bumped into the young man, slowly annoying him. Walked over to pick up his luggage but it seemed to be crowded with other people who were in frenzy. Tilted his head and moved them out the way with his sheer force, slicing through the Crowd and pulling out his 3 duffel bags and a suitcase. He put 2 of his bags around his body and carried the remaining luggage in each hand. [color=fff79a][i]"Ill mannered runts"[/i][/color]. Marth kept walking looking around at the city, it had been a little while since he been here, this year he had a lot to accomplish, hopefully the mage that he will contract too isn't annoying. He started the trek up solo since Marth wasn't exactly a social butterfly, before passing by a large boy talking to a small girl. You could read the uneasiness on the boys face by the way his eyes darted around , [color=fff79a][i]he is bigger then me and this girl makes him quiver[/i][/color] then came a taller man. Marth had recognized that face but from where exactly? The white haired boy made brief eye contact with the well dressed boy as he walked past, he then turned his forward and continued up towards the academy. [@Hammerman][@TheHangedMan][@Klaykid]