You are assuming too much about what each Guild Member knows about the others. You keep saying over and over again "And he knows this" "And they know that" and all those kinds of things. You have said on a few occasions that Grey is a recluse, often sleeping during the day and staying up at night only changing her schedule to take on missions. It wasn't really ever specified how much she interacted with people and the general impression I got of her was someone who is very mysterious to most guild members, both in personality and in her combat abilities. On top of this, I mentioned both OOC and IC that this was a tournament not just to bide time while we waited on our last member to join, but to make the characters ICly more familiar with each other. You also keep talking about the character sheets. The character sheets have absolutely no impact on other people's IC responses when it comes to fighting style. We do not look at the character sheet OOC and say "This is the information my character knows IC". If this was an issue aviendah and was not the proper way Kaito should have responded because of the knowledge you believe he has IC, then YOU should have spoken up here, or PMd him, said something to him, so it could have been corrected. As it stands, you didn't bring it up OOC as an issue until 11 days after the fact, almost 2 weeks later. Though I've not seen Torack around, and his last response is 9 days ago, last online is 7 days ago. I might have missed a post about him not being available for a while but if he didn't say anything this is leaning into the sort of "If you need to take a hiatus for some reason let us know, don't just disappear on us" deal.