Ayo! You like adventure? Cause ya might be in the right place if ya do. I'm looking for someone who would be down to RP multi-character concepts and aren't afraid of world building and plotting together. I usually hover around casual/advanced, and would like to RP with someone who can at least match me in post size; not looking for a novelist, just someone who knows how to put a lil' meat and detail into their writing. Having a good grasp on english/grammar/spelling is nice too, but I'm pretty chill and only require that you can write clearly enough for me to understand and respond to. I'm pretty flexible on gender/character types, and would prefer a partner who can play an array of characters too. I'm not really looking for anything that is primarily pairing based, but that isn't to say i'm not interested in romance at all; it could and probably will happen, but I don't want the focus of the RP to be just that pairing. As far as mature themes go, I'm okay with gore/violence//badjokes/curses/etc. but have a hard time with anything past kissing, so any of that would have to fade to black. Now, onto themes/rp concepts~ I'm honestly down for whatever ya can throw at me, but if ideas are what you need, I've got plenty. Shit I'd like to do: sailors/pirates/adventurers crew (I'm a big one piece fan. also sky pirates are on the table.) any sort of modern day fantasy (modern magic/demons/ijustwokeupandcanseeghosts/whatever. I love mixing fantasy with the real world, so i'm open to a lot.) Historical stuff (I'd love to do something within the venetian republic, or vikings. Idk, throw some ideas at me.) Zombie apocalypse/post-apocalyptic (I have a lot of strange ideas sitting in this territory.) prison-break/mutant-prison break (whichever works. If you steer away from fantasy though, ya might not like me much.) Mafia/gangs/turf wars Pokemon super heros/super villians/super vigilantes I'm not very good at putting together lists, but ya get the idea. I'm pretty open to any other plot ideas though, so don't be afraid to shoot me a request with something original. Should my little thread catch your interest, then feel free to shoot me a PM and we can start chatting see what we come up with together. Otherwise, thanks for reading and have a nice day~ (o v o)/