[CENTER][h1][color=slategray][b]T H E M E N D E R[/b][/color][/h1][hr][h3][sup][sup][color=silver] A N N A B E L L E F I T Z G E R A L D [color=slategray]◼[/color] 0 4 / 2 1 / 1 9 9 6 ( 2 1 ) [color=slategray]◼[/color] F E M A L E [color=slategray]◼[/color] H Y P E R H U M A N [/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][sup][color=silver]"Never thought I’d grow up to be a messiah."[/color][/sup] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/8ea591137b3608e053e0e2621c3d023c/tumblr_mfavaqdaNB1roa7ojo1_500.gif[/img] [/CENTER] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A P P E A R A N C E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Expecting someone taller?"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][INDENT][/INDENT][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//STATS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]5’7” [/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ WEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]119 lbs.[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ BUILD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Lean[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HAIR COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Bright Red [/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ EYE COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Blue[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ ETHNICITY |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Caucasian[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ SEXUALITY |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Heterosexual[/i] [center][INDENT][IMG] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/28/69/87/286987cf704b3eaa15423052adb0d978.gif [/IMG][/INDENT][/center] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//DESCRIPTION:[/color][/b] [indent][i]Annabelle is a pretty, slight girl with red hair and a smile that in times gone by was considered adorable. Her hair falls around her ears in a kind of deliberate messiness, and her skin is pale enough that you don’t need to know her last name to guess that her family’s Irish. These days her blue eyes bear heavy bags from lack of sleep, and she rarely if ever takes the time to put a smudge of makeup on. She’s generally seen wearing some combination of jacket, t-shirt and jeans or sweatpants, though she does have a fondness for sundresses when weather permits, and has been wearing the same ratty pair of converses for almost three weeks now.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ B I O G R A P H Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Just a small town girl… well, you know the rest."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][indent][i]Annabelle was born and raised in Lowell, Oregon, a small city that most people couldn’t find on a map. Her mother was usually busy running the local hospital, so for the most part she was raised by her father, and enjoyed a the sleepy childhood of a middle-class kid in rural America. Come High School she was the star of the track team with grades to match, but for all she knew she was just another small-town teenager, like all the rest. That changed one Saturday morning during her second year of High School, when the family dog managed to escape the house and got himself lost. After an hour or so of searching, she came upon him in the road, bleeding and whimpering, his back legs shattered by a car that had just kept on driving. Annabelle knew that her pet was dying, and did the only thing she could do – she held him close, and she wept. Imagine her surprise, then, when the animal’s wounds began to knit closed the second her sobbing breath touched them. Within moments, he could walk again like nothing had happened, and she led him home in a daze. She told nobody about her discovery, not her friends or even her parents; anti-Hyperhuman sentiment was on the rise in her area, and so she did her best to hide her abilities even as she experimented with them in secret. Her life went on as planned, and in 2014 she moved to Grimm University in Crescent City to study sociology and attempt to expand her horizons beyond the narrow confines of her hometown, though it had to be said that life in New Alexandria wasn’t really the thrill-a-minute adventure she’d been hoping for. Nevertheless, she flourished in her college days, and for two years it seemed too good to be true. But crime was on the rise in the city, and not even the smallest fishing community was spared. One night walking back from the movie theater, Annabelle came upon a man lying in a pool of his own blood – he’d been mugged at knifepoint, and resisted to an admirable but perhaps unwise degree. Immediately Annabelle knelt and breathed him well again, and as the teary-eyed stranger poured out his gratitude, she was struck with a wave of guilt. She had the power to change people’s lives, to save them, to make real change, and her own fear had made her squander it. How many more could she have saved in the years since she found out what she was capable of? Almost immediately and without a single call to any of her friends or family, Annabelle dropped out of school and disappeared. A few days later she marched into the Crescent City General Hospital and asked for a job, and after a few days of demonstrating her powers to various medical professionals and officials, she was officially hired as a ‘nurse’. Annabelle remains on staff at the hospital to this day, healing those brought in with serious wounds and occasionally riding with the paramedics to the sight of more serious emergencies. Slowly, she’s taken root in city mythology as ‘The Mender’, the Hyperhuman they keep at the hospital who saved your friend’s cousin’s life that one time, though only a few of her close co-workers and superiors at the hospital know such details as her real name and what exactly she can do. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"You ever hear about something bad happening and know you could have stopped it? I do. All the time."[/color][/sup] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/xZRS3ARullsTm/200.gif[/img][/CENTER][indent][indent][i] Annabelle is driven to use her powers for the benefit of others to the point of obsession. She’s consumed by the notion that all the death and suffering in the world only comes about because she wasn’t there to fix it, a mentality that is slowly turning her into a bit of a twitchy guilt-ridden wreck. [/i] [/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Take a deep breath."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//ABILITIES:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ MENDING BREATH |[/COLOR][/B] [i]The air Annabelle breathes out is infused with a strange temporal energy that recalls objects to their previous shapes – essentially, when she breathes on a damaged object, it rapidly begins repairing itself. Flesh knits back together, rust subsides, machines begin to function again. The effect works on organic and inorganic matter alike, speeding up the longer she breathes and dissipating over time when she stops. [/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//SKILLS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ CARDIO |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Annabelle ran track in high school and college and was quite good at it, so she’s able to run fast and for long distances without tiring.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ MARKSMANSHIP |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Among more dubiously useful lessons as horse-riding, Annabelle’s father was insistent that she know how to use a gun should she be required to defend herself, and made her spend long hours at the local range practicing with a variety of pistols and rifles. She’s no sharpshooter by any means, but she can handle a firearm better than the average untrained civilian.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//LIMITATIONS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ RANGE |[/COLOR][/B] [i]The energy in Anna’s breath dissipates quickly after it leaves her body, giving her an effective range of roughly seven inches in front of her face, though she can squeeze a few more inches out of that by breathing through a tube or something similar.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ IMPERFECT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Anna’s ability to mend is far from perfect. Her powers won’t expel foreign objects from whatever she’s healing, instead causing it to try to heal around them – so it won’t force a bullet or shrapnel out of the body, for example. Her ability to create new matter is also limited, meaning that she couldn’t cause a car to regrow its engine or a person to regrow a limb, though she could re-attach one if she had it available.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ THE RAVAGES |[/COLOR][/B] [i]In addition, Anna can’t really undo damage inflicted by the passing of time in organic beings, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear to her. Though she can fix long-term wear and tear and oxidization in machinery, the aging of animals is completely beyond her ability to heal.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//WEAKNESSES:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ SOFT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Annabelle is, physically speaking, just a person, who bleeds and is as vulnerable to injury as anyone else – particularly in areas of her body she can’t easily breathe onto, such as her back. She’s not terribly strong, either, and could be overpowered with fairly little effort.[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ UNTRAINED |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Her respectable shooting skills aside, Annabelle has absolutely no martial training whatsoever. Combined with her poor reflexes and mediocre physical strength, and it’s difficult to imagine her standing up to anyone with any modicum of talent or experience in a fight.[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ MESSIAH |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Annabelle has a savior complex about a mile wide, and it’s taking a real toll on her mental health. She holds herself responsible for pretty much anything that goes wrong in the world and obsesses over her work at the hospital and outside it, often neglecting to take care of herself in favor of seeing more patients or scouring the streets in search of people that need her help.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//SUPPORTING CAST:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]▼ ALLIES[/COLOR][/B] [indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent] [B][COLOR=SILVER]▼ FRIENDS[/COLOR][/B] [indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent] [B][COLOR=SILVER]▼ ENEMIES[/COLOR][/B] [indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//STOMPING GROUNDS[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Crescent City General Hospital|[/COLOR][/B] [i]Annabelle spends almost all her time here, healing patients obsessively and occasionally helping to fix worn-out medical equipment.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ New Lilith Apartment|[/COLOR][/B] [i]She technically lives alone in a modest apartment in New Lilith, paid for by the hospital, though she spends less and less time there as the days go by.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//PARAPHERNALIA[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Backpack |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Annabelle keeps a backpack on her at all times containing her computer, charger, a change of clothes and a few toiletries, in case she’s called to spend the night at the hospital (which happens a lot). [/i][/indent][/indent]