" . . . They've deserted," Rughoi lied, trying to hide his nervousness. Rama was still new, and showed signs of dissent and challenge. If his morals can't be completely trusted to execute his order no matter what, best keep the truth to himself. "Excellent work as usual. I see a promotion in your future." With that, he left to check on Kutur and his siege weaponry. "Your Might, good to see you!" Kutur shouted, waving his claw. He was only ever this excited when he was working on his pet projects. "I did as you asked! Catapult two should fire far more efficient than the rest of them, with a bit of tinkering! If you observe this lever here, Your Might . . . " he started right into his long-winded lecture, but Rughoi interrupted him before he got too far. " -Yes, that is of course an excellent achievement. Now if you're ready, I would like this palace taken. Today, if possible," Rughoi commanded. "Erm, right. Yes, Your Might," Kutur said, nodding, and loaded a stone into the new catapult.