Name: Rukt Race: Krogan Sex:Male Age: 324 Specialization: Sentinel Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Background: Formerly the pride of the Jorgal clan, his size and short temper combined with his brute strength made him a juggernaut in any close quarters fight. He was known to crush anyone that got in his way, and that was when he was in a good mood. He was recently cast out from his clan after a 'dispute' at the Hollows (the Krogan burial ground in which fighting is forbidden) with the current clan leader became violent while which ended in the aforementioned leader's death, he took his banishment with dignity and stole a junker(crappy ship) from the hangar and left never again to be seen by the inhabitants of Tuchanka. He wears the former clan leader's armor proudly and still refuses to clean off the blood. For now he hangs around the seedier bars on the Citadel, occasionally taking on bounties to keep the Ryncol flowing. Though it is rare that he is given missions in person due to his intimidating stature and reputation. Despite his lethality, it is almost impossible for him to be subtle, more often than not simply ramming into his target's residence and slaughtering everyone inside. Equipment: Krogan Hammer, Claymore, Carnifex Powers (Up to four): Tech Armor, Biotic Hammer,Electrical Hammer, Electrical Hammer, Throw