AIs will be used as slaves, and as such they must be liberated. Uphold Marxism-Leninism-Robotism! But seriously though, I do actually believe that they will be simply used as free labor and for military purposes. What could be better than an unquestionably loyal soldier who has a body made of metal? I'm sure [i]some[/i] people are going to start making AI waifus, which as funny as it sounds is actually pretty horrifying to me because they would essentially be used as legal, fully sapient sex slaves. There's no way they get given any rights or even recognition as people, unless the whole "Using intelligent killbots" thing backfires when they decide that being considered alive might be nice for a change. It'll be interesting to see just how they think, since a computer can't possibly emulate an organic brain. Intelligence is possible, but no robot will ever, say, get a song stuck in their head. They would be capable of solving math problems in seconds for obvious reasons, but I doubt one could write an analysis of symbolism in a literary work. Will there be parts of human society they just won't be able to grasp in the slightest?