I suspect the only "AI's" that will look like humans will be those used for service industries. How successful that will be is really hard to tell, because of the ol' uncanny valley. The next level AI is shit like those cars that drive themselves. [quote=@Keyguyperson] It'll be interesting to see just how they think, since a computer can't possibly emulate an organic brain. Intelligence is possible, but no robot will ever, say, get a song stuck in their head. They would be capable of solving math problems in seconds for obvious reasons, but I doubt one could write an analysis of symbolism in a literary work. Will there be parts of human society they just won't be able to grasp in the slightest? [/quote] We've already have basic AI, that's not what comes next. Next is where we move from programmable to creative intelligence, and it's really hard to tell how far that is from making sapience. As far as we know, the things that really make the human mind what it is, self awareness and abstract thought, are natural products of making an efficient creative mind.