Viktar watched the shadows grow darker and felt his blood run cold, as it always did when confronted by filthy xenos. Their existence was a blight to the universe and the imperium of Man that would not be tolerated. Armed with his shield and boltor pistol, he gave a shout praising the emperor and opened fire. His first shot took the nearest of these abominations in the throat that sent it to the afterlife with a gurgle of blood, a second shot square in the forehead would assure it never returned. "Let none survive! To death, my enemies!" Firing off the rest of his clip, Viktar quickly holstered his pistol and drew the Harbinger sword. The pride of his chapter. The storm shield and power sword thrummed to life in his hands as he met the nearest dark Eldar. A quick little ignition from his jump pack, barely half a seconds worth of thrust, turned his shield rush into a shield bash. The Dark Eldar he rammed into was thrown back bodily into its companions as Viktar quickly backpedaled so as to stay with the group. Enemies were taken on his shield and summarily thrown back or cut down as they came. By the will of the Emperor and the steel in his hand they would not be broken by filth.