California grinned as he heard the exercise was now over, watching the rest of the robots power down. California's immediate response was to take of his helmet, letting his beard spring out and flicking his hair back. "Woo!" He exclaimed in exasperation. "Damn, that was some good exercise!" The freelancer commented. He rolled his shoulders as he walked out, rubbing his chin from the blow from the robot. Chi finally showed her form to California, sitting on his shoulder. Chi looked like a young girl with long hair, completely red and slightly see through. [color=ed1c24]"That looked like it hurt?"[/color] Chi noted, looking at California. "Hmm... well, not as much as it should've. Before the Project, that would have knocked me out cold." He explained. "Did you have something to do with that?" California inquired. The girl puzzled for a bit. [color=ed1c24]"Well, kinda. I mean, you're like... a super soldier now so you've got the biological augmentations and the armour isn't made out of putty either, that's some hard metal you got encasing yourself.[/color] The AI explained. It seemed that California's AI did not share the common 'professional and toneless' dialect most other AI possessed. [color=ed1c24]"But I do help you out too. I'm told I give you... uhm... adrenaline, yeah! And that hypes you up and, so says my data, can numb some pain as well."[/color] "Yeah, adrenaline does that." He replied as he walked out of the training field. He took a good look at his new teammates. All by the books military hardasses to him. They'd all probably wanna stick to 'plans' and wouldn't enjoy his passion for 'combat improvisation' as he likes to call it. [color=ed1c24]"What? You don't like them?"[/color] "Did you just tell what I was... nevermind. I'm not gonna ask questions about what I don't get. And no, Chi. It's not that I don't like them. They're all capable and probably just a bit of time before warming up to one another... but they'll probably not like me. I've been told I'm... reckless..." California admitted. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah... your files maaaaay have mentioned that."[/color] Chi giggled. Arthur shrugged. "Eh, whatever." California laughed. He saw a freelancer that he... didn't see on the field. Weird... he saw everyone that participated... but not this one ([@Liotrent]). "Chi, who's that lady?" [color=ed1c24]"I dunno, I only have data on you. I think she's Zeta's Freelancer. But that's all I know. The AI's aren't allowed to talk to each other anymore."[/color] Chi said sadly. "Huh, seems counter productive to do that... you bothered by it?" Cali asked. Chi merely nodded. "Huh, fuck it, I'ma talk to her." He said to himself before jogging up and waving his hand. "Yo! Recon armour!" He called out, using the only item of description he could recognize. "You, uhh, didn't get the memo? There was a training thing the Director ordered?" He asked, clutching his helmet between his arm and chest.