[center][color=00a651][h2]Luigi[/h2][/color] [b][color=00a651]Level:[/color][/b] 2 [b][color=00a651]Day/Time:[/color][/b] Day One - Evening [b][color=00a651]Location:[/color][/b] Kingdom of Erion - Abandoned Castle [b][color=00a651]Tag:[/color][/b] Brigan, Oswald [@Holy Soldier], James [@Zarkun], Samus [@Lmpkio], Hapu [@ToadRopes], Slayer[@Lugubrious], Naija [@DracoLunaris] [b][color=00a651]Word Count:[/color][/b] 1062 [color=00a651][b]Napple Seed planted?[/b][/color][/center] Closing his eyes Luigi panted shallow breaths; Partly because of the noticeable speed in which the fire was eating up the breathable air in the room, but mostly it was because he didn't want to risk his neck moving just a little [i]too much[/i] and having a whole new reason to have difficulty breathing. He could feel the judgemental glare upon him as his cowardliness showed for all to see, unable to hide it as he shivered. Considering how badly events had played out since the start, he couldn't help but feel that being made the team leader had been a horrible mistake. He found it hard to think of how Mario would have let things get this bad had he been present... Held at sword point by an enemy turned... well, not exactly ally but hopefully neutral while the giant who [i]should[/i] have been their ally had set fire to everything and had just bitch slapped the guy who had been a part of team one a fair distance away while his team attempted to talk Oswald into a more... agreeable position that didn't result in his throat being slit. Mario wouldn't have messed things up this badly... With a great flood of relief, Luigi felt the metal pressure of the blade against his neck disappear... only for that relief to be short lived as Oswald made his intentions clear before disappearing in a burst of black fire. On one hand, he could understand his reasons for doing so and it felt less like he was abandoning them to fight his battles for him because he was a backstabbing bastard and more because he wanted to save his wife before the whole castle burned down. On the other it did throw out any plans that he had of possibly fighting Brigan while some of the team attempted to deal with the fires... and the chunks of castle that were raining down on them because of said giant going completely insane in his arrogance. Forcing himself to his feet now that he was free to and holding up a hand to try and shield his airways from the smoke and bad air as much as he could, he shook his head at Hapu's suggestion "[color=00a651]Dangerous idea. Opening an airway right now would only fan the flames into an inferno.[/color]" When you used fire a lot and had a major enemy who was a fire breathing turtle/dragon thing, you learned a thing or two about fire safety if you wanted to or not. With Oswald's departure to hopefully get their target out of harm's way, Luigi weighed up his options before coming to the conclusion that all things considered this was the closest thing to a success that the team could hopefully achieve under the current conditions and it was time to get the hell out of there while they still could! They could track Oswald and his wife down another time provided that Brigan and Odin didn't get them. Rallying what breath he could to be heard over the fire and the falling rubble, Luigi cried out "[color=00a651]It’s time to leave! If you've got something that'll blind or daze Brigan on the way out use it! Samus, James cover everyone else![/color]" Both of them had ranged weapons and suits that had a mask that he was fairly certain would help protect them from the smoke and lack of breathable air for a little while (at least he knew for certain in Samus's case) so they were best suited to cover a withdrawal. Keeping his gaze as upwards as he good to try and get some kind of heads up through the smoke of any falling rubble, Luigi followed his own order to get out of dodge as quickly as he could without running into anything from solid objects to fire. The smoke made it difficult to see and his head was already starting to get light as he discovered that the fire was eating through the air in the room quicker then he would have liked... but with a hacking cough he managed to stumble outside into the relatively fresh air, falling to his knees for a moment as he fought to get his breath back. He trusted that the rest of his team would be able to get out just fine. After all, they all had the skill and ability to get out of a tough situation or they wouldn't have been recruited in the first place. He even went so far as to make a mental note to tell Hapu to break open a wall to allow the air to flow into the castle properly once the team was clear; While it would result in fuelling the fire to new heights, catching Brigan in such a thing might just bypass his shield. After all while it might protect him from the flames themselves, he doubted that it would offer much help against the indirect threats of the heat or the dangerous gases that the fire was giving off. Even if it did somehow provide the giant with a bubble of safe air to breath in around his body... Brigan was a big man and he was doing a lot of physical activity, so he would be breathing a [i]lot[/i]. He would run out of breathable air sooner or later... It was something of a shame that the seed that he had planted had more or less been abandoned; He didn't know if it would survive the fire and the falling castle and honestly he doubted if they would be able to go in after it even if it did. Not only would they have to locate where in the wreckage they would need to start looking, but removing the rubble itself without damaging the plant with their current equipment didn't seem all that possible. Besides, they didn't know how much time they had until Odin showed up; While he trusted that Mario and the rest of his team would give the so called 'Demon Lord' a run for his coins, they were only meant to slow him down. One had to lean on the side of caution. Glancing up as he heard a shout of warning at the rapidly approaching frog girl Naija, be blinked a little as it quickly became clear that he had been right to be concerned.