The next minute of real time was taxing to Herold's body and soul, doing his best to grit through it without losing his sanity. The Psyker's ability seemed to take a hold of his body's nerves, making him feel as if something was squirming through his system. He grunted, doing his best to back away, as well as doing his best to not shoot the woman. He knew he could end this sorcery with one shell, but he had to keep himself from indulging in such an action. Thankfully he did, for the Legions of Hell showing next were very much not welcome and they'd need all the help they could get. He'd faced Xenos before, but he'd only heard of the traitor legions. He hoped they'd go down with a well placed shotgun shell, and he did his best to guard his flank with his Combat shield as the others retreated into the bunker. He skidded into the relative cover and holstered his Shock Maul, then realized he had a similar weapon to the Trooper up top. He too fitted Krak Grenades in his Launcher, fitting six of them into the it and hefted the barrel of the gun toward the Chaos Marines swarming about the recently fallen Rhino. As usual, he gritted his teeth to ignore whatever foul powers the Psyker was enacting, and he sent a volley of Krak grenades, round after round, at the largest mass of Traitor marines. "Enemies of the Emperor deserve the death we shall bring them!"