The poor guy looked as if he'd die. He seemed very uncomfortable with Samantha drilling him the way she was, but thankfully Caleb was there to take some of the heat off of Ambrose. Ambrose gave them his name and informed them that he was a freshman which they already knew, but a name was a great way to make friends. Caleb didn't say anything more as he listened to Ambrose talk. His voice was alluring, and his obliviousness was extremely cute, not to mention he was easy on the eyes, but Caleb had sworn off of guys and girls, focusing on school, at least that's what he told himself whenever he came across someone that peaked his interest. Ambrose was no exception, except for some reason he felt oddly attracted to him, and it made him slightly nervous, not visibly but enough to have him silent more than usual. "It's okay Ambrose," Caleb interjected just as Samantha was about to say something. "There are maps to help you around campus, and of course there's also the app that I recommend downloading immediately. It's not an official app from the school, some of the techies built it from the ground up and it's a way to keep up with the know how here," Caleb finished winking playfully at Ambrose, "of course if you want to forgo all of that I'd be more than happy to show you around." What was he doing? He was playfully flirting and he didn't even know anything about Ambrose. Softly smiling, Caleb turned when he heard the registrar yell "NEXT!" which meant that this process would be over soon. Caleb walked over to the registrar and sat down. There was an issue of course because he didn't have his registration papework, but he gave the registrar the information he could remember. Samantha turned to Ambrose and smirked. "He's adorable isn't he? Quite the straight A student too. Comes from a wealthy family, but get this," she began, "he was a adult film star before he came here." Her eyes squinted playfully as she giggled softly. "So anyways Ambrose, you should definitely come to the party tonight," she began before the registrar yelled "NEXT" which indicated her time with Ambrose was up. She pouted and wrote down a number on a piece of paper. It wasn't her number, but it was Caleb's. She enjoyed playing these types of games. She placed the piece of paper in Ambrose' hands and waved. "In case you get lost boo," she added heading to the open seat to get her registration done. [@Catmint]