[h3]Mei[/h3] [i][b]Date Unknown: Location Also Unknown[/b] Well this has been an interesting few weeks, to say the least! Britain was hit by a freak snowstorm in December, and I ended up staying over to help provide aid. Tiring work, I must admit, but it was worth it! I even got to meet up with Lena Oxton (who you probably know better as the former Overwatch agent, Tracer), and she is quite possibly the friendliest young woman I've ever met! Maybe a little [b]too[/b] much, really, since I admit I was getting a little flustered... Well, after that I headed back home to Lijiang to celebrate the new year, and not long afterwards I heard reports of a new Omnic hero emerging in Numbani. What made this more incredible, though, was that she had apparently been built by an eleven year old girl! A-Mei-zing! (Sorry about the pun). I just had to see her myself, but as I was packing my things (I needed to pick out something more suitable for Numbani; my usual clothes aren't really suited for Africa after all!) I felt dizzy for a moment and... Well... I know it sounds like something out of an old movie, but I seem to have been whisked away into another universe! It's all so fascinating! Everyone looks so strange, but they seem friendly enough. Here's hoping we can all get along and work together! - 美[/i] [hr] Mei sighed in contentment as she finished typing her journal. Sure, most other people wouldn't immediately start typing up a blog entry upon being transported to another world, but Mei was different. Mei was a [i]scientist[/i], after all, and no matter how strange or bizarre things might be, her fascination and curiosity would usually override any feelings of fear or disorientation. "Um... Nihao!" Waving a hand clad in a thick glove, Mei bowed her head to the assembled crowd. "My name is Mei-ling Zhou, but everyone just calls me Mei! Pleased to meet you all!"