Gamma Sector, Omnious. 0800 (Military Time.) Under the crust, several hundreds of feet below the surface of Omnious, it seemed that the men working could barely hear the sounds of the crash that had caused a nuclear explosion from the sheer size of the spacecraft. Any one of them could easily equate the noise to someone dropping a wrench. Work continued, and quickly. A humanoid figure stood beside the workers, his head darting from side to side. While not human, or what would be considered human on the planet Earth, they had rounded ears, and their muscles were more pronounced on their bodies. Almost as if they had more. Their skeletal structures, if one was to be examined (i.e. x-rayed), would show that their ribs were more securely fashioned, positioned in a grid-like pattern, at a forty-five degree angle. At some places the bones were soft, moldable...So that they could curl up easily. They were also extremely tanned, though, this might have been because it was the southern half of the planet. "Keep working, men!" The humanoid shouted, his voice deep and booming. What they were working on? Nobody had any idea. Nobody on the planet, at least. Now, in the ruins of Oaneson, it seemed that a tear was opening. With a loud pop, a being was shot out of the tear like a cannon, and hit the side of a pillar. His dark blue cloak was then thrown through, before the portal slowly vanished. As this male sat up, he groaned. "Now where am I?" He said, his voice rough. As he brushed his dark gray hair out of his eyes, he shook his fist at the air, muttering incoherent curses. His hands were covered by black gloves, the fingers cut off to allow him to actually feel what he was touching. He hated having his hands covered, most of the time. His blue cloak, which was on the ground in a heap, was lined with silver cloth, gold trimming on the shoulders. Now, without it on, the male was garbed in a black shirt, with navy blue slacks. Attached to his belt loop was a ceremonial katana, in a black sheath. Under his breath, he muttered. "First, she gets pissed at me, then, she kicks me off of a goddamn rooftop and into one of her experimental portals. ...Well...Time to figure out where I ended up." The being got up, stretched, and then slung his cloak over his shoulder. Then, he was off, deciding to head a way opposite of the sun, which was currently rising.