Inside the android's rebooting mind images and data swirled, trillions of numbers and signals pulsed throughout his entire frame. It was more comparable to a computer turning on than a man awakening from unconsciousness. Outwardly, Michael took in a deep breath and his whole body shook as his eyes shot wide open. His ocean blue irises stared at his surroundings as the hominoid machine sat up, wires underneath his synthetic skin sending signals for him to resume movement. In his right hand he still clenched the alien orb, scattered around him on the floor were several of the dead insects that had been caught in his electromagnetic pulse. As he rose to his feet and took in his surroundings, he noticed a large cluster of the same hostile lifeforms approaching him, an absolutely massive horde which covered the ground as they slinked towards him, cutting off the original path he had taken. Michael blinked, his memory banks detailing another route back to the Beast. If he got inside of there then there was no chance the creatures could get to him. He had to get the orb back to the Ark, it fascinated him deeply and was utterly certain the other scientists would have the highest amount of interest in it as well. As they drew nearer Michael started to run, moving faster than any human could. The horde of insects moved faster, scurrying over branches, grass and rocks as Michael full on sprinted now, faster than even the top Olympic sprinters that ran for gold back when Earth was still humanity's home. He was a distance away from the Beast, though his high tech sensors allowed him to paint an ideal route right back to the vessel. If he were an actual human he would be hopelessly lost, but then again if he were a human he would also be dead from the strange insects. He leaped over a downed tree, soaring through the air with his legs raised. As soon as he landed he resumed the sprint, he dashed through the alien wilderness, taking a sharp turn. Michael did not bother looking back to see if the insects were closing in on him, he had no time to stop. As he ran, his breathing showed no signs of stress from the heavy exercising. He only took calm and composed inhales and exhales as he moved, as he went through a clearing another horde of insects came from his left side. Cutting off his path, he immediately shifted his body diagonally, his mainframe establishing an alternate route, through a thicker forest. The android continued his sprint, inwardly he could tell he was drawing closer to the Beast. He weaved between trees, juking and sliding around them as he kept the rapid, almost inhuman movements. Another short clearing appeared and Michael sprinted down it, pumping his arms as he kicked his legs out in his forward movement. Showing machine fluidity with each step. Suddenly another line of insects appeared, galloping from one side of the underbrush and blocking his path. Michael did a rapid calculation, then launched himself into the air, propelling himself in a forward leap over the horde of hostile lifeforms. As he shot over them, the creatures began to climb upwards attempting to latch onto the android. But he landed cleanly on the other side of them, and continued his dash. As he shot out of the forest he saw a figure in front of him, Agent Gurrera with a surprised expression on his face. "There you are, Smith. What the hell happened? I thought you were dead!" The man said, then began to speak into his communicator. "No time to explain, let's go." Michael replied as he grabbed onto the Agent's arm with his free hand, then yanked the man with him in his running. The Agent catching sight of a gigantic group of hostile insects following behind Michael and the orb. "Woah, slow down Smith!" Gurrera stammered, surprised at the young man's speed and strength as he pulled the agent along in his stride. Michael did not release the man's arm in fear of leaving him behind, he did not need a death on his conscious. He was not sure how that would affect him. Definitely not positively. As the android ran back towards the Beast, pulling the human along with him, he took several twists and turns. More and more insects appearing out of the brush and from trees as he had to constantly adjust his path. So much movement at such a speed made Gurrera feel like vomiting, if he wasn't moving his legs as fast as he could to keep up with the android. Then the Beast came into sight, and the perimeter that had been set up around it. Michael released Gurrera, then slowed down into a jog. He stopped his run as he reached the inside of the perimeter, many around the Beast staring at the newest arrival who many assumed was dead. Gurrera came in a few moments later, gasping for breath as he did. The android copied the labored breathing, giving off the false idea that he was exhausted from such a run back to safety.