Aliyah was less than thrilled about the idea of shopping, but saw the necessity, and agreed that it was probably a good idea. She had kept very little of the stuff from her place, mostly because she didn't really care for a lot of it. She was rather surprised that Matsumi was so much for roughing it, although she was fairly certain that in a luxury RV, that life would be far from her definition of roughing it. It was going to be an interesting experience, that was for sure. She made a mental note to do what she could though to help Matsumi. "I have no problem with going either direction." She told Duncan sliding in front of him so her back was against his chest. She tilted her head back so she could look up at him. "But Sunscreen, lots and lots of sunscreen. It may have escaped your notice but I share the same skin tone as a guppy. " She said with a laugh. She reached her arms up so she could slide her fingers through the back of his hair pulling him down for a kiss. She was far more comfortable with displays of affection than he was, but she would through repeated application get him at least used to it.