For thousands of years the Human Race has been living with super-powers, they just didn't know it. Hearing about supernatural abilities people possessed, like bringing people back from the dead, healing people, transformations... all kinds of these things were just put off as stories. Myths. Fables. But these people truly had super-abilities, and one day, everyone would know about it... Inkom, New York - April 3rd, 2015 It was a day like any other in Inkom, New York. Crime wasn't relatively high that day, though it still wasn't 100% safe to walk down certain alleys alone. Overall, it was an uneventful day. That is, until 6PM. In the city park there stood five rather peculiar people; four men and one woman. One of the men gathered around the people at the park, and he announced that for years people with super powers were living everywhere, ride underneath everyone's noses. And the kicker was that not even the people with the powers knew about it. The man explained that there were two underground companies who took it upon themselves to make sure no one ever knew they had super powers. And it worked. Until they slipped up. The man explained that he and his four friends had powers, and that they intended to use their abilities for good. The people scoffed and turned away, but then the man re-gained their attention when he turned completely into ice. After that demonstration of power, the two companies worked hard to fix the problem on their hands, but it was too late. Many of the people who would soon realize they had super powers would hide it from the world, but there are some out there who would go public with it. Those few individuals would have to work together to help other super-humans realize their abilities, but it would be hard. --- So, is anyone interested in becoming superheroes?