[b]Name:[/b] Zeral T'Amani [b]Alias:[/b] Night-wind [b]Race:[/b] Asari [b]Sex:[/b] Monogender (Feminine) [b]Age:[/b] 435 [b]Specialization:[/b] Adept [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cc/bb/f9/ccbbf922c217734f53b87f49662a49e4.jpg[/img] [b]Background:[/b] Zeral had been born on Thessia, a second child to the T'Amani family - alongide her older sister Zoral. Zeral' life would have remained as average as usual amongst the other billions of asari in the Galaxy. Her fate changed however, when her sister Zoral went missing - while doing some works in a remote colony on the Galactic Fringe. Zeral had finished her studies in cultural anthropology - she set off the to find her older sister. When she found the colony, it was empty and deserted - void of all life or the sign of any that had existed there. While initial reports had called this a pirate raid, Zeral wasn't about to give up on her sister - even if she had been taken by pirates or slavers. So at the age of one-hundred thirty-five - Zeral began her journey into the Terminus. Throughout three centuries, Zeral would continue her search for Zoral. Her initial findings let to locating rumours about how, the colony that her eldest had been on - had been targeted by a group called 'Collectors'. Zeral deeming it somesort of pirate gang continued her search, joining up with Eclipse once and learning how to use a weapon and her biotics for combat. Slowly over the years, Zeral made a name for herself in the Terminus - albeit, not the kind that people would usually expect. Called [i]Night-Wind[/i] or in asari terms [i]'Seeker of the Unknown Deep'[/i]. In human terms, she would be called a conspiracy theorist - somebody whom had spent a good portion of her life chasing mysteries and weird occurences. Compared to them however - Zeral had the time, patience and knowledge to seek her claims and often finding strange things that changed her beliefs completely. Over the years, she had started researching about these 'Collectors' - and then digging deeper and deeper, until her trails let her towards the history of the fallen Prothean Empire. As Zeral continued her search, using her knowledge in cultural anthropology - she deduced that something was very wrong and hidden in the dark corners of the Galaxy. Over the years, she had stumbled and collected strange artifacts - that she had sold to a mysterious benefactor. Unbeknowst to her, being the 'Shadow Broker'. [b]Equipment:[/b] Acolyte(Pistol), M-55 Argus Assault Rifle [b]Powers:[/b] Warp, Biotic Sphere, Barrier, Flare