"Of course. We will make you something when we get home." Sabine spread a warm smile and helped Meesei begin to walk. "I love you, Meesei," she mentioned. The pack not only provided a jacket for Meesei, but a waterskin too. Sabine was soon joined by Fendros, who took Meesei's other arm to help her back to the city. The next two months were a relief in the sense that the uncertainty of Meesei's behaviour was solved. She spent a time in bed to recover physically and to catch up on reports she missed. Sabine doted on Meesei's needs during her free time, no matter how Meesei insisted otherwise. It was not until she got out of bed a week later, looking more nourished and refreshed, that Sabine allowed her independence again. The next steps were her physical strength and participating in the council again. These were both difficult, not only because Meesei overestimated how hard she retrain, but also due to the myriad problems that had arisen due to her absence. Vera and her lieutenants exercised patience, but Meesei still required time to knock the rust off her mind and get up to date in current affairs. All through the time they had, the pack helped Meesei however they could in her recovery. The damage left by her absence -- both to herself and the clans -- was not likely to fully heal within at least a few years, but Meesei's mind could never permanently be blunted. Another particular change was Sabine's behaviour around Meesei. Previously, her usual maturity had tended to regress back to hints of delicate adolescence when interacting with Meesei. Now, the softness in her voice, smallness of her demeanour, and the way she would hint at how she was as a child was now all but gone around Meesei. Sabine interacted with her like a fellow adult, with mature interaction, tone, and mannerisms. While it came off as cordial at times, Sabine still showed dear love for her adoptive mother. However, Meesei's actions had evidently left a mark that would not fade away. There was no way of telling whether this was for better or for worse. The more immediate change was the increase in the intensity of Rhazii's regular nightmares. He was thirteen years old now, experiencing growth spurts and changes that any Khajiit boy his age would expect. Though his beast spirit was growing up, too. He lost more and more sleep, became grumpy and snapped at parents more often. It was not easy for Fendros and Ahnasha, but they knew that the worst was yet to come. The next full moons were coming up tonight. As was the case for every night where the moons were full, the entire clan was abuzz with organisation. While they would be heading out at their own pace, Ahnasha, Fendros, and Rhazii went ahead to set up a hunting camp further into the Blackreach tunnels. It would be difficult for Rhazii, there was no doubt. That did not stop Fendros from trying to reframe it. He flashed Rhazii a grin while they set up a tent together. "You excited, little one?" Fendros kept the name even though Rhazii was rapidly closing with his height. Rhazii did not look up from his task. He held a nervous frown and merely gave an acknowledging grumble. "Ah, you don't need to be nervous. We'll be right here." Fendros stepped around and clapped a hand on Rhazii's back. "This will be a milestone for you. You're growing up." Rhazii sighed and mumbled. "Hrolf had his first transformation a couple of months ago. He said it hurts." Fendros lowered his voice and gave a sympathetic look. "I understand if you're anxious. I will not lie, it does hurt, but it gets a little easier each time. After tonight, you will have experienced the worst of the shifting part, isn't that right, mama?" Fendros turned to Ahnasha for confirmation.