The idea is to create a strong, vibrant world, even more than is created in most Pokémon games. I'd like to introduce a lot of aspects that already exist in the current world, yet are oddly missing in the world of most Pokemon games. Because honestly, how many people wouldn't visit an Eevee cafe? And certainly people still buy flowers for their sweethearts. So, my dilemma with this comes in with deciding what direction to take it. The world of Pokémon offers much variety. It goes as far as epic journeys to defeat villains, catching all of the Pokémon (we'll pretend that a 12 year old has enough affection in them to cater to that many animals), defeating every Pokémon trainer, subduing mighty legendarys that may threaten the world itself, or even taking on the role of evil in order to realize your own plans for the world and its inhabitants. The sky is the limit, really. But there are even people as simple as Pokémon breeders, or, waiters at an Eevee cafe. I'd like not to limit an RP to only Pokémon trainers, and am very interested in finding ways to open it up to more stationary roles. One idea that I've had to achieve this is to make temporary characters. The story would center around a small group of characters, which may mean that there are only a few consistent roleplayers, and the rest may be temporary or minor characters with a chance at growth and even becoming major characters. This idea is a lot closer to the traditional story of Pokémon, and the more unique aspect at that point would probably be a stronger attempt at filling out the world. This is not a solid plan, but simply one idea. Another idea is to create a more slice of life feeling, which I feel would also be fun with the added twist of Pokémon. Input from those interested, or even uninterested, is greatly appreciated! Keep in mind that while I fully intend to make the RP a real thing, it may take a long time to plan. If you have ideas, you can shoot me a PM or post in the thread and I'll do my best to keep track of all of them. Your ideas can be as simple as things you'd like to see introduced to the world of Pokémon!