Ahnasha placed a hand on Rhazii's shoulder. Despite only being around thirteen, Rhazii was about at Ahnasha's height. He had not yet outgrown Fendros, but being Cathay, it would not be all that long until he did. "You'll forget any pain in a matter of minutes. I will be honest, you might have a hard time remembering some of what happens tonight. I don't have any memory at all of my first transformation, but I was infected later in life. Since you were born a werewolf, it will be a bit easier for you. You might keep some memory of it. Your beast spirit has always been with you, just...tucked away inside. It is certainly going to be enthusiastic to finally be let out, but from what I understand, I think you'll find that you're already familiar with it. You just don't know it yet." Walking along the path from the direction of the city was the rest of the pack heading towards Fendros and Ahnasha's camp, Meesei included. Even on full moons, Meesei had no need to hunt due to her Ring, but she had elected to join this time. It had quite literally been years since she had gone on a proper hunt, since her duties had kept her busy most of the time, apart from when she had been absorbed into the book. The clan spread out in hunting parties in nearly all directions around the city, and they tended to need to move somewhat far from the city to actually find something suitable to kill. It had been easy at first, but over time, the Falmer had gained a sense for when the clan would be hunting and hid in response. There were other creatures to kill in the caverns, but the Falmer were some of the more numerous targets. Granted, they could also be dangerous, so some of the less experienced hunters made their way to the surface to hunt. Meesei was in far better health than she had been months prior. She had put on some weight, and built up more of her former muscle. She still was not as physically fit as she had been in her prime, and it would take quite a while longer to get back close to that level, but she at least looked healthy again on the outside. She did not feel self-conscious about being seen by the clan, but in private, she confided in her pack that her bones were still brittle, she felt tired often, and she had to force herself to eat since she still had little appetite. The effects of her malnutrition were not necessarily permanent, but it would be almost a year before she was truly recovered, in all likelihood. But, her responsibilities would not wait. She had been challenged for her position again. The moons had caused some delay but she would have to fight in the duel the very next day.